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Check your required documents

Please select a country below for a list of required documents (list is not all inclusive)





GCE is not accepting applications for education completed in Afghanistan. Any application submitted will be cancelled.



Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Dëftesë Pjekurie (Maturity Certificate)



Certifikatë e Notave or Vëërtetim indicating all courses studied and grades or Diploma Supplement

Diplomë e Nivelit të Parë – DNP (Bachelor Degree)

Diplome with Titull (Diploma with Title)

Diplomë Universitare (University Diploma)

Master i Nivelit të Parë – MNP (Master of the First Level)

Master Profesional (Professional Master’s)

Diplomë e Studimeve te Thelluara pasuniversitare (Diploma of Advanced Studies)

Diplomë e Nivelit të Dytë – DND (Second-Cycle Degree / Master)

Master i Shkencave (Master of Science)

Master I Juridikut (Master of Laws)

Doktoratura / Doktor i Shkencave (Doctor of Sciences)






Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Examination Results

Brevet d’Enseignement Fondamental–BEF (Certificate of Basic Education)

Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire (Baccalaureate of Secondary Education)

Baccalauréat de Technicien (Technical Baccalaureate)

Certificat de Capacité du Droit (Certificate of Ability in Law)



Releve de Notes

Diplôme de Technicien Supérieur–DTS (Diploma of Higher Technician)

Certificat d’Aptitude de Professeur de l’Enseignement Fondamental–CAPEF (Certificate of Aptitude as a Teacher of Basic Education)

Diplome de Maître d’Enseignement Fondamental (Diploma of Master of Basic Education)

Diplôme d’Études Universitaires Appliquées–DEUA (Diploma of Applied University Studies)

Licence (Licentiate)

Ingénieur d’Application (Applied Engineer)

Diplôme d’Études Supérieures–DES (Diploma of Higher Studies)

Diplôme de Professeur de l’Enseignement Fondamental (Diploma of Teacher of Basic Education)

Diplôme de Professeur d’Enseignement Moyen (Diploma of Teacher of Middle Education)

Diplôme de Professeur d’Enseignement Secondaire (Diploma of Teacher of Secondary Education)

Diplôme d’Ingénieur (Engineering Diploma), Ingéniorat d’Etat (State Engineer)

Diplôme d’Architecture (Diploma of Architecture)

Diplôme de Pharmacien (Diploma of Pharmacist)

Diplôme de Docteur en Chirurgie Dentaire (Diploma of Doctor of Dental Surgery)

Diplôme de Docteur en Médecine Vétérinaire (Diploma of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine)

Diplôme de Magister (Degree of Master)

Docteur en Médecine (Medical Doctor)

Doctorat (Doctorate)/Doctorat d’Etat (State Doctorate)






Transcript or Grade Report

Batxillerat (Baccalaureate)

Diploma d’Ensenyament Professional (Diploma of Vocational Education)



Transcript, Grade Report or Diploma Supplement

Diploma Professional Avançat (Advanced Professional Diploma)

Batxelor (Bachelor)

Diplomatura en … (Diplomate in …)

Grau de Licenciatura (Grade of Licentiate)

Diploma de Postgrau en.. (Postgraduate Diploma in …)

Doctorat (Doctorate)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Historico Escolar

Ensino Secundário 2o ciclo (Secondary Education 2nd cycle)

Ensino Médio Técnico (Technical Middle Education)

Ensino Médio Pedagógico (Pedagogical Middle Education)

Certificado de Habilatação Literaria (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)



Historico Escolar

Bacharelato (Bachelor)

Professor de Ensino Secundário (Secondary Education Teacher)

Licenciado (Licentiate)

Técnico Superior (Higher Technician)

Diploma de Curso … (Graduate Diploma)

Mestre (Master)

Grau de Doutor (Doctoral Degree)






Statement of Results for CSEC examinations

General Certificate of Education (GCE), Ordinary Level

Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC)

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE)

General Certificate of Education (GCE), Advanced Level



The Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and other Health Professions (CAAM-HP) is the accrediting authority for medicine in CARICOM member states. A Course-By-Course Evaluation Report can be prepared only if you attended a private institution that was “accredited” or “accredited with conditions” at the time of your enrollment. Note that “provisional accreditation” is not sufficient.

Check the status of your institution on CAAM-HP website.



Transcript or Grade Report




Antigua and Barbuda


Statement of Results for CSEC examinations

Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate-CSEC

General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination/CAPE Certificate

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination/CAPE Diploma

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination/CAPE Associate Degree

General Certificate of Education, Advanced Level



The Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and other Health Professions (CAAM-HP) is the accrediting authority for medicine in CARICOM member states. A Course-By-Course Evaluation Report can be prepared only if you attended a private institution that was “accredited” or “accredited with conditions” at the time of your enrollment. Note that “provisional accreditation” is not sufficient.

Check the status of your institution on CAAM-HP website.



Transcript or Grade Report


Associate’s Degree





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Certificado de Estudios/Notas/Calificaciones (Certificate of Studies/Grades)

Bachillerato/Bachiller (Secondary Education)

Titulo de Técnico (Title of Technician)



Certificado de Estudios/Notas/Calificaciones (Certificate of Studies/Grades)

Curriculum/Study Plan (if hours of study or credits are not included on Certificado de Estudios)

Bachiller Universitario (University Bachelor)

Maestro Nacional (National Teacher)

Técnico/Tenico Superior (Technician/Higher Technician)

Licenciatura (Licentiate)

Título de… (Title of…)

Profesor (Professor)

Especialización (Specialization)

Maestría/Magister (Master Degree)

Doctorado (Doctorate)





Native language document with English translations. Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


ԴԻՊԼՈՄԻ ՀԱՎԵԼՎԱԾ / приложение к диплому (Supplement to the Diploma)

ԱՏԵՍՏԱՏ ՄԻՋՆԱԿԱՐԳ (ԼՐԻՎ) ԸՆԴՀԱՆՈՒՐ ԿՐԹՈՒԹՅԱՆ (Atestat mijnakarg [lriv] yndhanur krtutyan) (Certificate of [Complete] Secondary General Education)

ԴԻՊԼՈՄ [Diplom] (Diploma)



ԴԻՊԼՈՄԻ ՀԱՎԵԼՎԱԾ / приложение к диплому (Transcript), Academic Reference, or Supplement to the Diploma

ԴԻՊԼՈՄ կրտսեր մասնագետ /ԴԻՊԼՈՄ կրտսեր ճարտարագետի [Diplom krtser masnaget/Diplom krtser chartarageti] (Diploma of Junior Specialist/Diploma of Junior Engineer)

ԴԻՊԼՈՄ ԲԱԿԱԼԱՎՐԻ ԱՍՏԻՃԱՆ [Diplom bakalavri  Kochum] (Diploma of Bachelor degree)

ԴԻՊԼՈՄ ՄԱԳԻՍՏՐՈՍԻ ԱՍՏԻՃԱՆ [Diplom magistrosi  Kochum] (Diploma of Master degree)

գիտությունների թեկնածուի [gitutyunneri teknatsu] (Candidate of Science)

գիտությունների դոկտորի [gitutyunneri doctor] (Doctor of Science)





Native language document with English translations. Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Cijferlijst(Grade Report) for each Year or Final Cijferlijst (Exam Results)

Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs – HAVO (Senior General Secondary Education)

Voobereidend Secundair Beroepsonderwijs – VSBO (Vocational Secondary School Diploma)

Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs – VWO (University Preparatory Education)



The Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and other Health Professions (CAAM-HP) is the accrediting authority for medicine in CARICOM member states. A Course-By-Course Evaluation Report can be prepared only if you attended a private institution that was “accredited” or “accredited with conditions” at the time of your enrollment. Note that “provisional accreditation” is not sufficient.

Check the status of your institution on CAAM-HP website.




Transcript, Grade Report, or Diploma Supplement







GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX), or   My eQuals


ACT Year 12 Certificate (awarded in Capital Territory)

Higher School Certificate (awarded in New South Wales)

Northern Territory Certificate of Education (NTCE)

Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)

South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)

Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE)

Qualifications Certificate (QC), Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE), Tasmanian Certificate of Educational Achievement (TCEA)

Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)

Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL)

Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)



Transcript or Grade Report

Diploma issued by Technical and Further Education (TAFE) Institution

Associate Degree

Bachelor Degree

Vocational Graduate Certificate

Vocational Graduate Diploma

Graduate Certificate

Graduate Diploma

Master Degree

Doctoral Degree





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Academic and examination records showing all courses taken and grades received

Berufsreifeprüfungszeugnis (Vocational Maturity Examination Certificate)

Abschluβprüfungzeugnis (Completion Examination Certificate)

Abschluβzeugnis (Certificate of Completion)

Reifeprüfungszeugnis/Matura (Maturity Examination Certificate)

Reife-und Diplomprüfungszeugnis (Maturity and Diploma Examination Certificate)



Transcript, Grade Report or European Diploma Supplement

Diplom (Diploma)


Diplom Fachhochschule (Diploma at a University of Applied Science)

Magister/Magistra Fachhochschule (Master at a University of Applied Science)

Diplom-Ingeniur (FH)/Diplom-Ingeniurin Fachhochschule (Diploma of Engineer at a University of Applied Science)

Diplom (Diploma)

Magister/Magistra (Master)

Diplom-Ingeniur/Diplom-Ingeniurin (Diploma of Engineering)

Lehramtsprüfungszeugnis (Teaching Examination Certificate)


Doktor/Doktorin der (Doctor of)

Doctorate (Doctor of Philosophy)

Habilitation (Post-doctoral Qualification)






Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.

cədvəli (Table of Marks) or Diplomuna əlavə (Supplement to the Diploma)
Orta Təhsil Haqqında Attestat (Certificate of Secondary Education)
Peşə Liseyi Diplom (Diploma of Vocational Secondary School)


Arayisi (Academic Record), Diplomuna əlavə (Supplement to the Diploma), Diploma Supplement
Orta İxtisas Təhsil Diplom (Diploma of Specialized Secondary Education)
Bakalavr Diplomu (Diploma of Bachelor)
Diplomu (Diploma with Specialist Qualification)
Magistr Diplomu (Diploma of Master)
Hekim Diplomu (Diploma with Qualification of Physician)
Kandidat Nauk (Candidate of Science)
Fəlsəfə Doktoru (Doctor of Philosophy)
Elmləri Doktoru (Doctor of Science)
Doktor Nauk (Doctor of Science)





High School Diploma

General Certificate of Education (GCE), Ordinary Level

Bahamas General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE)

General Certificate of Education (GCE), Advanced Level



The Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and other Health Professions (CAAM-HP) is the accrediting authority for medicine in CARICOM member states. A Course-By-Course Evaluation Report can be prepared only if you attended a private institution that was “accredited” or “accredited with conditions” at the time of your enrollment. Note that “provisional accreditation” is not sufficient.

Check the status of your institution on CAAM-HP website.



Transcript or Grade Report



Associate’s Degree

Bachelor’s Degree





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Shahaadat itmaam al-diraasa al-thaanawiya al-aama (Secondary School Certificate)

Tawjihi Examination Results



Transcript or Grade Report



Associate Diploma or Associate Degree

Bachelor Degree

Postgraduate Diploma

Master Degree

Degree of Medical Doctor

Doctor of Philosophy








Higher Secondary Certificate or Intermediate Certificate




Transcript or Grade Report


Bachelor Degree

Master degree

Doctor Degree







High School Diploma

Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC)

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE)

General Certificate of Education, Advanced Level



The Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and other Health Professions (CAAM-HP) is the accrediting authority for medicine in CARICOM member states. A Course-By-Course Evaluation Report can be prepared only if you attended a private institution that was “accredited” or “accredited with conditions” at the time of your enrollment. Note that “provisional accreditation” is not sufficient.

Check the status of your institution on CAAM-HP website.



Transcript or Grade Report



Associate Degree

Bachelor Degree

Master Degree

Doctor Degree





Native language document with English translations. Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Атэстат аб агульнай сярэдняй адукацыі [Atestat ab agulnai sjarednaj adukatsyi] (Certificate of General Secondary Education)

Дыплом аб пачатковай прафесійнай адукацыі [Dyplom ab pachatkovaj prafesijnaj adukatsyi] (Diploma of Basic Vocational Education)



Дадатак да дыплома (Supplement to the Diploma), акадэмічная даведка (Academic Record/Archival Record)

Дыплом аб сярэдняй прафесійнай адукацыі [Dyplom ab sjarednaj prafesijnaj adukatsyi] (Diploma of Intermediate Occupational Education)

Дыплом аб вышэйшай адукацыі (Cпецыяліст) [Dyplom ab vyshejshaj adukatsyi] (Diploma of Higher Education)

Дыплом бакалаўра [Dyplom bakalaura] (Bachelor’s Diploma)

Дыплом спецыяліста з паглыбленнай падрыхтоўкай [Dyplom specyjalista z paglyblennaj padrykhtoukaj] (Diploma of Advanced Specialist)

Дыплом магiстра [Dyplom magistra] (Master’s Diploma)

Дыплом кандыдата навук [Dyplom kandydata navuk] (Diploma of Candidate of Sciences)

Дыплом доктара навук [Dyplom doktara navuk] (Diploma of Doctor of Sciences)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX)



Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur/Getuigschrift van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs/Abschluβzeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts (Certificate of Higher Secondary Education).

Diplôme d’Enseignement Technique Secondaire Supérieur/Diploma Hoger SecundairTechnisch Onderwijs (Diploma of Higher Secondary Technical Education).

Diplôme d’Aptitude à Acceder à l’Enseignement Supérieur/Bekwaamheidsdiploma dat Toegang Verleet tot het Hoger Onderwijs (Diploma of Qualification Giving Access to Higher Education).



Transcript, Grade Report or Diploma Supplement


Candidat/Kandidaat (Candidate)

Gradué(e)/Gegradueerde (Graduate)


Licence/Licentiaat (Licentiate)

Ingénieur/Ingenieur (Engineer)

Pharmcien/Apotheker   (Pharmacist)

Diplôme (Diploma)

Maîtrise/Master (Master)

Doctorat/Doctoraat (Doctorate)







Transcript or Grade Report

High School Diploma

Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC)

General Certificate of Education (GCE), Ordinary Level

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE)

General Certificate of Education (GCE), Advanced Level



Transcript or Grade Report

Associate Degree

Certificate in Teaching Level One / Level Two

Bachelor Degree

Master Degree





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Transcript or Grade Report/Releve du Notes

Baccalaurét de l’Enseignement Secondaire Technique (Technical Education Baccalaureate)

Diplôme de Technicien Industriel/DTI (Industrial Technician Diploma)

Certificat Elémentaire d’Aptitude Professionnelle/CEA (Elementary Certificate of Professional Ability)

Certificat d’Aptitude Pédagogique/CAP (Certificate of Teaching Ability)

Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire (Secondary Education Baccalaureate)



Transcript or Grade Report

Brevet de Technicien Supérieur/BTS (Higher Technician Certificate)

Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie/DUT (University Diploma of Technology)

Diplome d’Etudes Universitaires Generales/DEUG (University Diploma of General Studies)

Diplôme Universitaire d’Etudes/DUE (University Diploma Studies)

Diplôme d’Etudes Techniques Supérieures/DETS (Diploma Higher Technical Studies)

Certificat Elémentaire d’Aptitude Professionnelle/CEA (Elementary Certificate of Professional Ability)

Certificat d’Aptitude Pédagogique/CAP (Certificate of Teaching Ability)

Licence (Licentiate)

Maîtrise (Master)

Diplôme d’Ingénieur de Conception (Design Engineer Diploma)

Certificat d’Aptitude au Professorat de l’Enseignement Secondaire/CAPES (Certificate of Professional Ability in Secondary School Teaching)

Master Professionnelle (Professional Master)

Master Spécialisé (Specialized Master)

Master de Recherche (Master of Research)

Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies/DEA (Diploma of Advanced Studies)

Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures Spécialisées/DESS (Diploma of Higher Specialized Studies)

Diplome d’Ingénieur Agronome (Agronomy Engineer Diploma)

Doctorat de Médicine (Doctor of Medicine)

Diplôme de Doctorat (Diploma of Doctorate)

Doctorat (Doctorate)







Transcript or Grade Report

High School Diploma

Bermuda Secondary School Certificate (BSSC)

General Certificate of Education, Ordinary Level (GCE-O)

Bermuda School Certificate (BSC)

High School Diploma

General Certificate of Education, Advanced Level (GCE-A)



Transcript or Grade Report

Associate Degree







Bhutan Certificate of Secondary Education (Class-X) 

Bhutan Higher Secondary Education Certificate (Class-XII)

Statements of Marks for the secondary examinations 



Transcript or Grade Report

Post Graduate Diploma

Bachelor of Arts or Science

Master of Arts or Science





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Bachillerato Técnico (Technical Baccalaureate)

Título de Técnico Médio (Title of Intermediate Technician)

Bachillerato Humanístico (Humanistic Baccalaureate)



Certificado de calificaciones (de notas)/certificado academic (de estudios)

Título de Técnico Superior (Title of Higher Technician)

Título de Técnico Universitario Superior (Title of Higher University Technician)

Título Universitario Médio (Intermediate University Title)

Título de Maestro Normal (Title of Teacher)

Título de Profesor de Enseñanza (Title of Teaching Professor)

Bachiller en Ciencias o Artes (Bachelor of Science or Arts)

Licenciatura (Licentiate)

Título de Licenciado (Title of Licentiate)

Título en Provisión Nacional (National Professional Title)

Diploma de Posgrado (Graduate Diploma)

Maestría or Título de Magister (Master’s Degree or Title of Master)

Doctorado or Título de Doctor (Doctorate or Title of Doctor)





Bosnia & Herzegovina

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Svjedočanstvo (Certificate)




Transcript, Grade Report or Diploma Supplement

Diploma from a Visoka Škola (“higher” or “advanced” school)

Bachelor Degree

Stručni Naziv Diplomirani (Diploma with Professional Title of Graduate in)

Master Degree

Stručni Naziv Doktor Medicine (Diploma with Professional Title of Medical Doctor)

Spetsialist: (Sepcialist)

Magistar (Master)

Doktor Nauka or Doktor Znanosti (Degree of Doctor of Sciences)







School Certificate

Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education

Botswana Technical and Educational Program Certificate (BTEP)

National Craft Certificate (NCC)

Higher International General Certificate of Secondary Education (HIGCSE)



Transcript or Grade Report



Higher Diploma

Bachelor Degree

Postgraduate Diploma

Bachelor of Pharmacy

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX)


Certificado de Conclusão de Segundo (2o) Grau (Certificate of Completion of Second (2nd) Cycle Education)

Certificado de Conclusão or Diploma do Ensino Médio (Certificate of Completion or Diploma of Middle/Secondary Education)

Certificado de Auxiliar Técnico (Technical Assistant Certificate)

Diploms de Técnico (Technician Diploma)

Diploma de Professor do Ensino de Primeiro (1o) Grau / Diploma de Professor de Primeiro Grau (Elementary Education Teacher Diploma)

Certificado/Diploma de Professor Primário (Elementary School Teacher Certificate/Diploma)



Historico Escolar, Transcript or Grade Report

Licenciatura de Primeiro (1o) Grau (Elementary School Licentiate)

Licenciatura Curta (Short Licentiate)

Título de Tecnólogo (Title of Technologist)

Título/Grau de Bacharel / Bacharelado (Title/Degree of Bachelor)

Título/Grau de Licenciado or Licenciatura Plena (Title/Degree of Licentiate or Full Licentiate)

Título Profissional (Professional Title)

Título/Grau de Mestre (Title/Degree of Master)

Título/Grau de Doutor (Doctor)

Certificado/Diploma de Curso de Especialização (Specialization Program Certificate/Diploma) or Título de Especialista (Title of Specialista)





British Virgin Islands



Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC)

General Certificate of Education (GCE), Ordinary Level

International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE)

General Certificate of Education (GCE), Advanced Level



Transcript or Grade Report


Associate Degree





Brunei Darussalam

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Brunei-Cambridge Certificate of Education, Ordinary Level



Transcript or Grade Report

Certificate in Nursing

Pre-National Diploma

National Diploma

Higher National Certificate

Higher National Diploma

Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Education

Master of Arts or Master of Science

Doctor of Philosophy





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Диплома за средно образование [Diploma za sredno obrazovanie] (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education)

Диплома за средно образование [Diploma za sredno obrazovanie] (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education) and Свидетелство за професионална квалификация [Svidetelstvo za profe- sionalna kvalifikacia] (Certificate of Professional Qualification)

Свидетелство за професионална квалификация: специалист в различни области [Svide- telstvo za profesionalna kvalifikacia: spetsialist v razlichni oblasti] (Certificate of Professional Qualification: Specialist in Different Fields)



Transcript, Grade Report, or Diploma Supplement

Бакалавър [Bakalavar] (Bachelor)

Магистър [Magistar] (Master)

Доктор [Doktor] (Doctor)





Burkina Faso

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Diplôme de Fin d’Études des Écoles Nationales d’Enseignants du Primaire (End of Studies Diploma from National Schools for Teachers of Primary)

Brevet d’Études Professionnelles / BEP (Certificate of Professional Studies)

Brevet d’Infirmier(ère) (Nurse Certificate) / Infirmier(ère) Breveté(e) (Certified Nurse)

Diplôme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degré (Diploma of Bachelor of Secondary Level Education)

Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate)

Diplôme de Bachelier de Technicien (Diploma of Technician Bachelor)

 Baccalauréat Technique (Technical Baccalaureate)

Infirmier(ère) d’État (State Nurse) / Diplôme d’Infirmier(ère) (Nurse Diploma)

Diplôme de Sage-Femme Maïeuticien d’État (State Midwife Diploma)



Releve du Notes, Transcript or Grade Report

Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (Certificate of Higher Technician)

Diplôme de Technicien Supérieur en Informatique (Higher Technician Diploma in Computer Science)

Premier Cycle d’Études Médicales / PCEM (First Cycle of Medical Studies)

Diplôme de Gestionnaire des Hôpitaux (Hospital Administrator Diploma)

Diplôme d’Études Universitaires Générales / DEUG (Diploma of General University Studies)

Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie / DUT (University Diploma of Technology)

Diplôme Universitaire d’Études Littéraires / DUEL (University Diploma of Literary Studies)

Diplôme Universitaire d’Études Scientifiques / DUES (University Diploma of Scientific Studies)

Technicien de Laboratoire (Laboratory Technician)

Licence (License)

Certificat d’Aptitude au Professorat des Collèges d’Enseignement Général / CAPCEG (Certificate of Ability in Teaching at General Secondary Schools)

Certificat d’Aptitude au Professorat de l’Enseignement Technique/ CAPET (Certificate of Ability in Teaching Technical Education)

Diplôme d’Ingenieur (Diploma of Engineer)

Maîtrise (Master)

Diplôme d’Études Supérieures Spécialisées / DESS (Diploma of Higher Specialized Studies)

Diplôme d’Études Approfondies / DEA (Diploma of Advanced Studies)

Diplôme d’Ingénieur (Diploma of Engineer)

Diplôme de Doctor en Médecine (Diploma of Doctor of Medicine)

Doctorat d’État en Médecine (State Doctorate in Medicine)

Doctorat du Troisième Cycle (Third Cycle Doctorate)

Doctorat d’État (State Doctorate)





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.




Certificate de Tronc Commun (Common Track Certificate)

Technicien A3 (A3 Technician)

Technicien A2 (A2 Technician)

Diplôme d’État (State Diploma)

Diplôme d’Humanities Générales (Diploma of General Humanities)

Certificat des Humanites Générales (Certificate of General Humanities)



Releve du Notes, Transcript or Grade Report

Diplôme de Candidature (Candidature Diploma)

Diplôme Professionnel d’Enseignement (Professional Teaching Diploma)

Diplôme de Licence (Diploma of Licentiate)

Diplôme de Bachelier en Sciences de l’Ingénieur (Diploma of Baccalaureate in Engineering Science)

Diplôme d’Ingénieur Industriel (Industrial Engineer Diploma)

Diplôme d’Etudes Superieures Spécialiséss (DESS) (Diploma of Higher Specialized Studies)

Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies (DEA) (Diploma of Advanced Studies)

Docteur en Médecine (Doctor of Medicine)

Master (Master)

Master en Droit des Affaires (Master of Business Law)





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Examination results or grade report

Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate)



Transcript or relevé de notes

Associate Degree

Diplôme Universitaire … (University Diploma)

Training Certificate


Bachelor Degree


Postgraduate Diploma

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy





REQUIRED originals from institution sent directly to GCE

GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX), 

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Relevé de notes for Baccalaureat

General Certificate of Education/GCE, Ordinary Level

Brevet de Technicien (BT)/Brevet Professionnel (BP)

Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Général (Baccalaureate of General Education)

Baccalauréat Technique (Technical Baccalaureate)

General Certificate of Education/GCE, Advanced Level


Relevé de notes or transcript

Brevet de Technicien Supérieur/BTS (Higher Technician Certificate)

Diplôme d’Études Universitaires Générales/DEUG (Diploma of General University Studies)

Diplôme d’Études Universitaires Professionnelles/DEUP (Diploma of Professional University Studies)

Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie/DUT (University Diploma of Technology)

Diplôme d’État d’Infirmier (Diploma of State Nurse)

Diplôme Supérieur d’Études Professionnelles/DSEP (Higher Diploma of Professional Studies)

Higher Professional Diploma

Licence (Licentiate)


Licence Professionnelle (Professional Licentiate)

Diplôme de Professeur des Collèges d’Enseignement Général/Technique 1er Grade (Diploma of Secondary School Teacher of General/Technical Education 1st Level)

Certificat d’Aptitude au Professorat de l’Enseignement Secondaire / CAPES (Certificate of Aptitude for Secondary Education Teaching) / Enseignement Technique / CAPET

Maîtrise (Master)

Master’s Degree

Diplôme d’Ingénieur Agronome (Diploma of Agricultural Engineer)

Diplôme de Professeur des Lycées d’Enseignement Général/Technique 2ème Grade (Diploma of Upper Secondary School Teacher of General/Technical Education 2nd Level)

Diplôme d’Ingenieur de Conception (Diploma of Conception Engineer)

Diplôme d’Études Approfondies/DEA (Diploma of Advanced Studies)

Diplome d’Etudes Professionnelles Approfondies/DEPA (Diploma of Advanced Professional Studies)




Canada, Province of Alberta

GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX), or  My eQuals



General High School Diploma

Advanced High School Diploma



Certificate (in field of education)

Diploma (in field of study)

General (Pass) Bachelor Degree

Honours Bachelor Degree

Bachelor’s Degree

Postgraduate Diploma

Master Degree

Doctor of Medicine/Dentistry/Veterinary Medicine

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)




Canada, Province of British Colombia

GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX) or, My eQuals


Secondary School (High School) Graduation Diploma





College Diploma or Associates Degree

Bachelor Degree

Post-Bachelor Diploma

Master Degree

Professional Degree

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)



Canada, Province of Manitoba

GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX) or, My eQuals



Manitoba High School Diploma

Manitoba Senior Years Technology Education Program Diploma





General Bachelor Degree

Honours Bachelor Degree

Bachelor of …

Master Degree

Doctor of Medicine/Doctor of Dental Medicine/Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)




Canada, Province of New Brunswick

 GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX) or, My eQuals


Transcript or relevé de notes

New Brunswick High School Graduation Diploma

Certificat de Fin d’Études Secondaires (Certificate of End of Graduation Studies)


Transcript or relevé de notes



Bachelor Degree

Honours Bachelor Degree

Postgraduate Diploma/Diplôme Universitaire Supérieur

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)/Doctorat




Canada, Province of Newfoundland and Labrador

GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX) or, My eQuals



High School Graduation Diploma

Provincial High School Graduation Diploma

College Certificate or Diploma



College Certificate or Diploma

Bachelor Degree

Master Degree

Teacher Education Certification

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)




Canada, Province of Northwest Territories

GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX) or, My eQuals



High School Graduation Diploma

Senior Secondary School Graduation Diploma

Leaving Certificate



College Certificate/Diploma

Teacher Education Diploma




Canada, Province of Nova Scotia

GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX) or, My eQuals



Nova Scotia High School Graduation Diploma

High School Completion Certificate


Transcript or relevé de notes



Bachelor of…/Baccalauréat en…:

Doctor of Medicine/Doctor of Dental Surgery

Master of …/Maîtrise en…:

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)




Canada, Province of Nunavut

GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX) or, My eQuals



High School Graduation Diploma






Bachelor of Science in Artic Nursing

Bachelor of Education

Nunavut Teaching Certificate




Canada, Province of Ontario

GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX) or, My eQuals



Secondary School Graduation Diploma (SSGD)

Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)

Secondary School Honours Graduation Diploma (SSHGD)





Ontario College Diploma              

Applied Bachelor Degree

Bachelor Degree

Honours Bachelor Degree

Graduate Diploma

Master Degree

Juris Doctor (J.D.)            

Bachelor of Laws (LLB)

Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)




Canada, Province of Prince Edward Island

GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX) or, My eQuals



Senior Secondary School Diploma

High School Graduation Certificate




Diploma in Nursing

Bachelor Degree (Pass)

Bachelor Degree (Honours)

Bachelor of Education

Master Degree

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine





Canada, Province of Quebec

GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX) or, My eQuals


Transcript or relevé de notes

Diplôme d’Études Secondaires-DES (Diploma of Secondary Studies-SSD)

Certificate of Graduation

Attestation de specialization professionelle-ASP (Attestation of Vocational Specialization-AVS)

Dîplome d’etudes professionnelles-DEP (Diploma of Vocational Studies-DVS)

Attestation de formation professionnelle-AFP (Attestation of Vocational Education-AVE)

Attestation d’etudes collegiales-AEC (Attestation of College Studies-ACS)

Dîplome d’etudes collegiales-DEC (Diploma of College Studies-DCS)



Transcript or relevé de notes

Baccalarium/Baccalaureat/Bachelier(e) (Bachelor Degree)

Magister/Maître/Maîtrise (Master Degree)

Doctor en medicine veterinaire (Doctor in Veterinary Medicine)

Doctorat en optometrie (Doctor in Optometry)

Docteur en Médecine/Medicinae Doctor

Doctor of Medicine/Doctor of Surgery

Doctorat en medicine dentaire/Doctor of Dental Surgery

Doctorat de philosophie/Doctorem Philosophiae/Philosophiae Doctor/Doctor en… (Doctor in…)

Doctor of Philosophy




Canada, Province of Saskatchewan

GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX) or, My eQuals



Record of High School Standing/Record of Secondary Level Standing





Bachelor Degree

Bachelor Degree – Honours

Honours Certificate

Postgraduate Diploma

Master Degree

Doctor of Medicine/Doctor of Dental Medicine/Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Doctor of Philosophy




Canada, Yukon Territory

GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX) or, My eQuals



High School Diploma



Yukon College Certificate

Yukon College Diploma

Associate Degree




Cape Verde

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



3° Ciclo-Via Geral e Técnica / Certificado de Habilitações Literárias (Third Cycle Secondary-General and Technical / Literary Skills Certificate)


Historico Escolar, Transcript, or Grade Report

Bacharel (Bachelor’s Diploma)

Licenciatura (Licentiate Diploma)

Mestrado (Master’s Diploma)

Doutoramento (Doctorate Diploma)

Certificado do Ensino Secundário Para Professores (Secondary School Teacher Certification)




Cayman Islands


Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC)

General Certificate of Education (GCE), Ordinary Level

General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE)

International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)

High School Diploma awarded by John Gray High School

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE)

General Certificate of Education, Advanced Level




Associate Degree

Bachelor Degrees

Postgraduate Diploma

Master Degree




Central African Republic

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Relevé de notes

Attestation confirming award of qualification

Brevet d’Études Fondamentales 2-BEF 2 (Certificate of Basic Studies 2)

Brevet des Collèges (Certificate of Lower Secondary Schools)

Brevet d’Études du Premier Cycle (Certificate of First Cycle Studies).

Brevet Élementaires du Premier Cycle-BEPC (Elementary First Cycle Certificate)

Certificat d’Aptitude Professionnelle (Certificate of Professional Ability)

Baccalauréat de Technicien (Baccalaureate of Technician)

Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate)

Diplôme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degré (Secondary Education Baccalaureate Diploma)


Relevé de notes

Attestation confirming award of qualification

Certificat d’Aptitude Pédagogique à l’Enseignement Fondamental 1 (Certificate of Primary School Teaching Ability)

Brevet d’Technicien Supérieur-BTS (Higher Technician Certificate)

Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie-DUT (University Diploma of Technology)

Diplôme d’Etudes Universitaires Générales-DEUG (Diploma of General University Studies)

Diplôme Universitaire d’Etudes Littéraires-DUEL (University Diploma of Literary Studies)

Diplôme Universitaire d’Etudes Scientifiques-DUES (University Diploma of Scientific Studies)

Diplôme Universitaire d’Etudes Juridiques-DUEJ (University Diploma of Legal Studies)

Diplôme d’Etudes Economiques Générales-DEEG (University Diploma of General Economics Studies)

Diplôme d’Etat d’Infirimier(e) (State Diploma of Nurse)

Diplôme d’Etat de Sage-Fémme (State Diploma of Midwife)

Certificat d’Aptitude Pédagogique à l’Enseignement Fondamental 2 (Certificate Lower Secondary School Teaching Ability)

Licence (Licentiate)

Licence Professionnelle (Professional Licentiate)

Diplôme d’Etat de Technicien Supérieur (State Higher Technician Diploma)

Diplôme d’Ingénieur (Diploma of Engineer)

Maîtrise (Master)

Certificat d’Aptitude Pédagogique à l’Enseignement Secondaires-CAPES (Certificate of Secondary School Teaching Ability)

Certificat d’Aptitude au Professoral de l’Enseignement Technique-CAPET (Certificate of Technical Secondary School Teaching Ability)

Diplôme d’Études Approfondies-DEA (Diploma of Advanced Studies)

Doctorat d’Etat en Médecine (State Doctorate of Medicine)

Doctorat (Doctorate)





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Relevé de notes

Diplôme d’Instituteur Adjoint (Diploma of Adjunct Primary School Teacher)

Diplôme de Fin de Formation Technique et Professionnelle-DFFTP (Diploma of End of Technical and Professional Training)

Brevet d’Etudes Professionnelles-BEP (Certificate of Professional Study)

Diplôme d’Instituteur (Diploma of Primary School Teacher)

Brevet de Technicien-BT (Certificate of Technician)

Baccalaureat Technologique (Technological Baccalaureate)

Baccalauréat de Technicien (Technical Baccalaureate)

Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate)



Relevé de notes

Attestation confirming award of qualification

Certificat d’Aptitude Professionnelle de l’Enseignement aux Collèges d’Enseignement Général-CAPCEG (Certificate of Ability of General Lower Secondary School Teaching)

Brevet de Technicien Supérieur-BTS (Higher Technician Certificate)

Diplôme d’Etudes Universitaires Générales-DEUG (Diploma of General University Studies)

Diplôme Universitaire d’Etudes Scientifiques-DUES (University Diploma of Scientific Studies)

Licence (Licentiate)

Licence Professionnelle (Professional Licentiate)

Certificat d’Aptitude Professionnelle de l’Enseignement dans les Lycées-CAPEL (Certificate of Professional Ability for Upper Secondary School Teaching)

Maîtrise (Master)

Maîtrise Professionnelle (Professional Master)

Doctorat en Médecine (Doctor of Medicine)

Doctorat (Doctorat)





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Certificado de Estudios, Certificado de Notas, Certificado de Calificaciones

Licencia de Educación Media (License of Middle Education)



Certificado de Estudios, Certificado de Notas, Certificado de Calificaciones

Bachiller en Ciencias or Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (Bachelor in Science or Humanities and Social Sciences)

Título Técnico de Nivel Superior (Title of Advanced-Level Technician)

Licenciatura en Educación (Licentiate in Education)

Licenciatura (Licentiate / Academic Degree)

Título Profesional (Professional Title)

Magister (Master’s Degree)

Médico Cirujano (Doctor of Medicine)

Doctorado (Doctorate)





Native language document with English translations AND verification reports. Verification reports for ALL documents submitted for evaluation must be issued IN ENGLISH.  This includes transcripts, graduation (qualification) certificates and degree certificates (bachelor, master, doctor).  Translations must be issued by the university or by an ATA-certified translator.



ALL documents submitted MUST have a corresponding verification report from CHSI.  Verification forms must be valid.




CSSD – Chinese Credentials Verification Report 

Chinese language: 中国高等教育学生信息网(学信网) (chsi.com.cn)

English language: China Credentials Verification | CSSD (chsi.com.cn)

高中成绩单 (Transcript)

高中毕业证书 (Graduation Certificate)

会考或高中学业水平考试成绩 (Huikao)




CSSD – Chinese Credentials Verification Report

Chinese language: 中国高等教育学生信息网(学信网) (chsi.com.cn)

English language: China Credentials Verification | CSSD (chsi.com.cn)


成绩单 (Transcript)

毕业证书 (Graduation Certificate)

专科毕业证书 (Zhuanke Graduation Certificate)

本科毕业证书 (Benke Graduation Certificate)

学士学位证书 (Bachelor Degree Certificate)

结业证书 (Completion Certificate)

硕士学位证书 (Master Degree Certificate)

博士学位证书 (Doctoral Degree Certificate)




Christmas Islands

See Australia





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Certificado de Estudios, Certificado de Notas, Certificado de Calificaciones

Bachiller (Baccalaureate)



Certificado de Estudios, Certificado de Notas, Certificado de Calificaciones

Técnico Profesional Intermedio (Intermediate Professional Technician)

Tecnólogo en (Technologist in)

Diplomado en (Diploma in)

Licenciado (Licentiate)

Título Profesional (Professional Title)

Especialista (Specialist)

Doctor en Medicina/Médico (Physician), Médico Cirujano (Surgeon)

Doctor en Médico Veterinario (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine)

Doctor en Odontología (Doctor of Dentistry)

Especialista (Specialist)

Magister/Maestría (Master Degree)

Doctor (Doctoral Degree)





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement du Secund Degré (Baccalaureate of Second Level Education)


Relevé de notes

Diplôme d’Etudes de Premier Cycle (Diploma of 1st Cycle Studies)




Congo, Democratic Republic of

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Certificat d’Aptitutde Professionnelle-CAP (Certificate of Professional Ability)

Brevet d’Aptitude Professionnelle-BAP (Certificate of Professional Ability)

Brevet d’Instituteur (Primary School Teacher Certificate)

Diplôme d’Etat d’Etudes Secondaires du Cycle Long (State Diploma of Long Cycle Studies)



Relevé de notes

Diplôme de Gradué (Diploma of Graduate)

Licence (Licentiate)

Agrégation de l’Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur (Upper Secondary School Teacher Aggregation)

Docteur en Médecine Vétérinaire (Diploma of Veterinary Medicine)

Docteur en Médecine (Doctor of Medicine)

Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures-DES (Diploma of Higher Studies)

Diplôme de Spécialiste (Diploma of Specialist)

Doctorat (Doctorate)




Congo, Republic of

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Brevet d’Etudes du Premier Cycle-BEPC (Certificate of First Cycle Studies)

Brevet d’Etudes Technique-BET (Certificate of Technical Studies)

Brevet de Technicien-BT (Certificate of Technician)

Baccalauréat Technique (Technical Baccalaureate)

Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate)



Relevé de notes

Capacité en Droit (Capacity in Law)

Brevet de Technicien Supérieur-BTS (Certificate of Higher Technician)

Certificat d’Aptitude au Professorat dans les Collèges d’Enseignement Général-CAPCEG (Certificate of Teaching Ability in General Lower Secondary Schools)

Diplôme Universitaire d’Etudes Générales-DUEG (University Diploma of General Studies)

Diplôme Universitaire d’Etudes Littéraires-DUEL (University Diploma of Literary Studies)

Diplôme Universitaire d’Etudes Scientifiques-DUES (University Diploma of Scientific Studies)

Diplôme d’Ingénieur des Travaux (Diploma of Public Works Engineer)

Licence Professionnelle (Professional Licentiate)

Licence en Sciences de la Santé pour les Infirmiers (Licentiate in Health Sciences for Nurses)

Certificat d’Aptitude au Professorat d’Education Physique et Sportive-CAPEPS (Certificate of Physical Education and Sports Teaching Ability)

Diplôme d’Etudes Comptables et Financières-DECF (Diploma of Accounting and Financial Studies)

Licence (Licentiate)

Certificat d’Aptitude au Professorat de l’Enseignement Technique-CAPET (Certificate of Technical Upper Secondary School Teaching Ability)

Certificat d’Aptitude au Professorat dans l’Enseignement Secondaire-CAPES (Certificate of Upper Secondary School Teaching Ability)

Maîtrise (Master)

Diplôme d’Ingénieur (Diploma of Engineer)

Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies-DEA (Diploma of Advanced Studies)

Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures-DES (Diploma of Higher Studies)

Doctorat d’Etat en Médecine (State Doctorate in Medicine)

Doctorat (Doctorate)




Cook Islands

See New Zeland



Costa Rica

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Diploma de Conclusión de Estudios de Educación Diversificada (Diploma of Conclusion of Diversified Education Studies)

Título de Bachiller en la Enseñanza Media (Title of Graduate of Secondary Education)

Diploma de Conclusión de Estudios de Educación Diversificada (Diploma of Conclusion of Diversified Education Studies)

Título de Técnico Medio en la especialidad de_ (Mid-level Technician with specialization in_)

Bachiller en Enseñanza Media (Title of Graduate of SecondaryEducation)

Bachillerato por Madurez (Secondary Graduate by Maturity)

Bachiller en Enseñanza Media (Title of Graduate of Secondary Education)

Educación Diversificada a Distancia (Diversified Distance Education)

Bachiller en Enseñanza Media (Title of Graduate of Secondary Education)



Diploma of Non-university level post-secondary studies

Título de Diplomado en_ (Title of Diploma Degree in_)

Título de Profesor de Enseñanza (diferentes áreas) [Title of Teacher of (different fields) Education]

Grado de Bachiller (Bachelor’s Degree) / Grado Académico de Bachillerato Universitario (Academic Degree of University Bachelor)

Título de Licenciado (Title of Licentiate)

Título de Licenciado en Medicína y Cirugía (Title of Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery)

Título de Especialista (Title of Specialist)

Especialidad Profesional (Professional Specialization)

Grado Académico de Maestría (Academic Degree of Master)

Doctorado Académico (Academic Doctorate)



Cote d’Ivoire

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Relevé de notes

Brevet d’Etudes du Premier Cycle-BEPC (Certificate of First Cycle Studies)

Certificate d’Aptitude Professionnel-CAP (Certification of Professional Ability)

Brevet d’Etudes Techniques-BET (Certificate of Technical Studies)

Baccalauréat / Diplôme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degré /(Baccalaureate / Diploma of Second Level Baccalaureate)

Brevet de Technicien (BT) (Certificate of Technicien)

Baccalauréat Technique (Technical Baccalaureate)



Relevé de notes

Brevet Professionnel-BP (Professional Certificate

Brevet de Technicien Supérieur-BTS (Higher Technician Certificate)

Capacité en Droit (Capacity in Law)

Instructeur de Formation Professionnelle (Professional Training Instructor)

Diplôme d’Etudes Universitaire Générales-DEUG (Diploma of General University Studies)

Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie-DUT (University Diploma of Technology)

Professeur de Centre de Formation Professionnelle (Professor of Professional Training Center)

Certificat d’Aptitude Pédagogique pour Enseignement du Premier Cycle-collèges modernes-CAPCM (Certificate of Lower Secondary School Teaching Ability)

Diplôme de Centre d’Animation et de Formation Pédagogique-CAFOP (Diploma of Primary School)

Diplôme d’État d’Infirmière (State Nursing Diploma)

Diplôme d’Etat de Sage-Femme (State Midwifery Diploma)

Diplôme en Pharmacie (Diploma in Pharmacy)

Licence (Licentiate)

Licence en sciences infirmières (Licentiate in Nursing Sciences)

Licence d’Enseignement (Teaching Licentiate)

Professeur de Lycée Professionnel (Professional Upper Secondary School Teacher)

Diplôme d’Ingénieur (Diploma of Engineer)

Maîtrise (Master)

Certificat d’Aptitude Pédagogique pour l’Enseignement du Second Degré-CAPES (Certificate of Upper Secondary School Teaching Ability)

Master (Master)

Professeur Certifié de l’Enseignement Technique et la de Formation Professionnelle (Teacher Certificate in Technical Instruction and Professional Training)

Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures Spécialisées-DESS (Diploma of Higher Specialized Studies)

Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies-DEA (Diploma of Advanced Studies)

Docteur-Ingénieur (Doctor of Engineering)

Doctorate en Médecine (Doctor of Medicine)

Doctor (Doctor)

Doctorate (Doctorate)





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Svjedodzba (Certificate).

Svjedodzba o Zavrsnom Ispitu (Certificate of Final Examination)

Svjedodzba o Zavrsenom Srednjem Obrazovanju (Certificate of Completion of Secondary Education)

Matura (Maturity)



Diploma Supplement

Diploma i Strucni Naziv (Diploma and Professional Title)

Prvostupnik/Prvostupnica (Baccalaureus/Baccalaurea)

Diploma i Strucni Naziv (Diploma and Professional Title)

Doktor Stomatologie (Doctor of Stomatology)

Doktor Veterine (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine)

Doktor Medicine (Doctor of Medicine)

Diploma i Strucni Naziv Specijalist (Diploma and Professional Title of Specialist)

Magister/Magistra (Master)

Diploma i Akademski Naziv Magistar (Diploma and Academic Title of Master)

Doktor Znanosti (Doctor of Science)




ALL Cuban documents MUST be legalized by the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores or the Ministerio de Educacion Superior and sent directly by the Ministerio to GCE

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Bachiller / Bachillerato / Bachiller Académico / Bachiler Tecnológico (Academic / Technical / Secondary Baccalaureate)

Diploma de Graduado de Pre- Universitario (Pre-University Graduate Diploma)

Facultad Obrera y Campesina-FOC (Upper-Secondary Education for Workers and Farmers)

Técnico / Técnico de Nivel Medio (Technician / Middle-Level Technician)

Maestro de Educación Primaria / Maestro Primario / Maestro de Educación Pre- Escolar (Elementary / Pre-School / Kindergarten Teacher)

Profesor de Secundaria Básica (Basic Secondary Education Teacher)


Profesor de Educación General Media (Professor of General Secondary Education)

Licenciado/Licenciatura (Licentiate)

Título Profesional (Professional Title

Doctor en Medicina (Doctor of Medicine)

Título de Especialista (Title of Specialist)

Título de Maestría (Title of Master)

Candidato a Doctor en Ciencias (Candidate to Doctor in Sciences)

Doctor en Ciencias (Doctor in Sciences)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.

GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX)


Lise Diploması (Upper Secondary School/High School Diploma)


Diploma Supplement

Yüksekokul Diploma (Associate Degree)

Lisans Diploma (Bachelor Degree)

Lisansüstü Diploması (Master Degree)

Doktora (Doctorate)



Czech Republic

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Střední vzdělání se závěrečnou zkouškou (Upper Secondary Education with a Final Examination)

vysvědčení o závěrečné zkoušce (Final Examination Certificate)

Vysvědčení o závěrečné zkoušce (Final Examination Certificate)

Střední vzdělání s výučním listem (Upper Secondary Education with VET)

Střední vzdělání s výučním listem (Upper Secondary Education with VET)

Střední vzdělání s maturitní zkouškou (Upper Secondary Education with the Maturita Examination)

Závěrečné komisionální zkoušky/ZKZs (Examination Committee Final Exams)

Závěrečné komisionální zkoušky/ZKZs (Examination Committee Final Exams)


Zkrácené studium s výučním listem (Shortened Studies with the VET)

Zkrácené studium s maturitní zkouškou (Shortened Studies with the Maturita examination)

Nástavbové studium (Follow-up Studies)

Tertiary Professional:

Diploma Supplement

Vysvědčení o absolutoriu v konzervatoři (Conservatoire Graduate Examination Certificate)

Diplom absolventa konzervatoře (Conservatoire Graduate Diploma)

Vysvědčení o absolutoriu v konzervatoři (Conservatoire Graduate Examination Certificate)

Diplomovaný Specialista/DiS. (Diploma Specialist)

Vysvědčení o absolutoriu (Graduate Examination Certificate)

Diplomovaný specialista/DiS. (Diploma Specialist)

Diplom absolventa vyšší odborné školy (Tertiary Professional Education Graduate Diploma)



Bakalář/Bc. (Bachelor)

Bakalář umění/BcA. (Bachelor of Arts)

Magistr/Mgr. (Master)

Magistr umění/MgA. (Master of Arts)

MUDr./doktor medicíny (Doctor of Medicine)

MVDr./doktor veterinární medicíny (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine)

Rigorozum (Small Doctorate)





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Bevis for hojere grunduddannelser (Certificate from Higher Basic Course)

Studentereksamen-STX (Upper Secondary School Leaving Examination)

Hojere forberedelseksamen-HF (Higher Preparatory Examination)

Hojere handelseksamen-HHX (Higher Commercial Examination)

Hojere teknisk eksamen-HTX (Higher Technical Examination)

Gymnasialt Indslusningforløb for Fremmedsprogede (GIF)



Transcript or Grade Report/Diploma Supplement

Akademiokonom (Academy Economist)

Teknikereksamen (Technical Diploma)

Datanom (Computer Specialist)

Den erhversokonomiske diplomprove (Business Economics Diploma)

Handelsvidenskabelig diplomeksamen (Commerical Science Diploma)

Handelshojskolens diplomeksamen (Business School Diploma)

Akdemi Ingenior (Academic Engineer)

Diplom Ingenior (Diploma Engineer)

Bachelorograd or Bachelorgraden (Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science)

Handelshøjskolens Afgangsprøve-HA (Bachelor of Business Administration)

Teknikumingenior (Technical Engineer)

Almen administrative datalogi eksamen (General Administrative Computer Degree)

Sygeplejerkse (Nurse)

Musiklæreruddannelse (Diploma Music)

Candidatus (Candidate)

Diplom i (Diploma in)

Sygeplefaglig diplomeksamen (Nursing Diploma)

Kandidatgrad/Candidatus/Candidata (Candidate)

Magistergrad/Magisterkonferens (Master of Arts or Science)

Candidatusa medicinae (Candidate in Medicine)

Candidatus a odontologicae (Candidate in Dentistry)

Candidatus a medicinae veterinariae (Candidate in Veterinary Medicine)

Licentiatus (Licenciate)

Ph.d. (PhD degree)

Doktorgraden (Doctor)

Erhvervsakademiuddannelse (Academy Profession Degree)

Professionsbachelor (Professional Bachelor)

Diplomuddannelse (Diploma program)

Masteruddannelse (Master Degree)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Brevet d’Etudes Professionnelles-BEP (Certificate of Professional Studies)

Baccalauréat Technologique-BT (Technological Baccalaureate)

Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire (Secondary Education Baccalaureate)

Baccalauréat Professionnel-BP (Professional Baccalaureate)



Transcript or Grade Report/Releve du Notes

Brevet de Technicien Supérieur-BTS (Higher Technician Certificate)

Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie-DUT (University Diploma of Technology)

Diplôme d’Etudes Universitaires Générales-DEUG (Diploma of General University Studies)

Diplôme de Licence (Licentiate Diploma)






Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC)

General Certificate of Education (GCE), Ordinary Level

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE)

General Certificate of Education (GCE), Advanced Level



The Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and other Health Professions (CAAM-HP) is the accrediting authority for medicine in CARICOM member states. A Course-By-Course Evaluation Report can be prepared only if you attended a private institution that was “accredited” or “accredited with conditions” at the time of your enrollment. Note that “provisional accreditation” is not sufficient.

Check the status of your institution on CAAM-HP website.



Transcript or Grade Report


Associates Degree



Dominican Republic

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX),


Bachillerato Académico (Academic Secondary Baccalaureate)

Bachillerato Técnico (Technical Secondary Baccalaureate)

Título de Maestro Normal (Teacher Training program)

Técnico Básico (Basic Technician)

Bachillerato (Secondary Baccalaureate)



The Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and other Health Professions (CAAM-HP) is the accrediting authority for medicine in CARICOM member states. A Course-By-Course Evaluation Report can be prepared only if you attended a private institution that was “accredited” or “accredited with conditions” at the time of your enrollment. Note that “provisional accreditation” is not sufficient.

Check the status of your institution on CAAM-HP website.



Transcript or Grade Report

Certificado de Estudios Superiores en Educación Básica (Certificate of Higher Studies in Basic Education)

Certificado de Estudios Superiores en Lengua y Literatura (Certificate of Higher Studies in Language and Literature)

Técnico (Technician) / Técnico Superior (Higher Technician) / Tecnólogo Superior (Higher Technologist)

Título de Profesorado (Title in Teaching)

Técnico Profesional en Enfermería (Professional Technician in Nursing)

Licenciatura (Licentiate)

Título de Tecnólogo Médico (Title of Medical Technologist)

Licenciatura en Enfermería (Licentiate in Nursing)

Título de (Title of)

Especialidad (Specialization)

Maestría or Magíster (Master)

Doctorado (Doctorate)



East Timor (Timor Leste)


Historico Escolar, Academic Records or Transcript

Diploma do Ensino Secundario (Diploma of Secondary Education)



Historico Escolar, Academic Record, Transcript

Bacharelato (Bachelor Degree)

Licenciatura (Licentiate)

Pós-graduação (Graduate Level)

Mestrao (Master Degree)

Doutoramento (Doctorate)





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Certificado de Estudios/Notas/Calificaciones (Certificate of Studies/Grades)

Técnico Auxiliar (Assistant Technician)

Técnico Básico I y II (Basic Technician I and II)

Bachillerato / Ciclo Diversificado (Secondary Baccalaureate / Diversified Cycle)

Bachiller en… (Humanidades/Ciencias) (Secondary Baccalaureate in Humanities/Sciences)



Certificado de Estudios/Notas/Calificaciones (Certificate of Studies/Grades)

Título de Profesional (Professional Title of)

Diploma en Enfermería (Nurse’s Diploma)

Título de Tecnólogo (Title of Technologist)

Título de Técnico Superior (Title of Higher Technician)

Título de Profesor de (Title of School Teacher)

Grado de Licenciado (Degree of Licentiate)

Título de Doctor  (Title of Doctor)

Doctor en… (Doctor of)

Diplomado (Diploma Holder)

Médico Veterinario / Zootecnista (Veterinary Physician / Animal Scientist)

Título Intermedio Postgrado de Especialización (Title of Intermediate Specialized Postgraduate Studies)

Diploma Superior (Diploma of Advanced Studies in field of study)

Diploma de Magister (Master’s Diploma)

Doctorado (Doctorate Degree)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.




General Secondary Education Certificate Examination

Commercial, Industrial or Agricultural Secondary School Diploma

Industrial/Agricultural Technical Secondary School Diploma in Vocational Preparation



Transcript or Academic Record

Technical Institute Diploma

Bachelor Degree

Licentiate or Licence

General Diploma in Education

Diploma of Higher Studies

Postgraduate Diploma

Master Degree:

Diploma of Specialization

Doctor of Science



El Salvador

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Certificado de Estudios/Notas/Calificaciones (Certificate of Studies/Grades)

Bachiller / Bachillerato General (General Secondary Baccalaureate)

Bachiller / Bachillerato Técnico Vocacional (Vocational-Technical Secondary Baccalaureate)



Certificado de Estudios/Notas/Calificaciones (Certificate of Studies/Grades)

Titulo / Grado de Técnico (Degree of Technician)

Titulo / Grado de Profesor (Degree of Teacher)

Titulo / Grado de Tecnólogo (Degree of Technologist)

Titulo / Grado de Licenciado (Degree of Licentiate)

Titulo / Grado de Ingeniero (Degree of Engineer)

Titulo / Grado de Arquitecto (Degree of Architect)

Titulo / Grado de Maestro (Degree of Master

Titulo / Grado de Doctor (Degree of Doctor)

Titulo / Grado de Especialista (Degree of Specialist)



Equatorial Guinea

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Certificación Académica (Academic Certification)

Bachillerato (Secondary Baccalaureate)

Curso de Orientación Universitaria-COU (University Orientation Year)



Diplomado (Diploma)

Maestro (Teacher)

Licenciatura Llicentiate)

Título de Licenciado (Title of Licentiate)

Título Profesional (Professional Title)

Medicina General (General Medicine)

Título de Doctor (Title of Doctor)







Eritrean Secondary Education Certificate Examination (ESECE)



Transcript or Grade Report

Teacher Training Institute Certificate


Advanced Diploma

Bachelor Degree

Doctorate in Medicine

Master of Science




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Hinneteleht (Grade Report)

Tunnistus põhihariduse baasil kutsekeskhariduse omandamise kohta (Certification Acquiring Secondary Vocational Education Based on Basic Education)

Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)



Akadeemilise õiendi (Diploma Supplement or Academic Record)

Bakalaureusekraad (Bachelor Degree)

Magistrikraad (Master Degree)

Doktorikraad (Doctorate Degree)






Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate (ESLCE)

Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Certificate Examination

Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Qualification Certificate

University Entrance Examination

University Entrance Examination Certificate

Ethiopian University Entrance Examination Certificate

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Certificate

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Diploma

Teacher Training College (TTC) Diploma



Transcript, Grade Report, Academic Record

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Diploma

Bachelor Degree

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy



Falkland Islands

See United Kingdom




Faroe Islands

See Denmark







Fiji Vocational Training Certificate

Fiji School Leaving Certificate

Fiji Form 6 Certificate

Fiji Seventh Form Certificate



Transcript or Grade Report



Higher Education Certificate

Higher Education Diploma

Bachelor Degree

Postgraduate Certificate

Postgraduate Diploma

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Ammatillinen perustutkinto/yrkesinriktande grundexamen (Certificate of Vocational Upper Secondary Qualification)

Ammattitutkinto/yrkesexam (Certificate of Further Vocational Qualification)

Erikoisammattitutkinto/specialyrkesexamina (Specialist Vocational Qualification)

Lukion päättötodistus/avgångsbetyg från gymnasiet (General Upper Secondary Education Certificate)

Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/studentexamensbetyg (Matriculation Examination Certificate)



Transcript or Grade Report/Diploma Supplement

Teknikko/tekniker (Technician)

Opistotutkinto/institutexamen (Postsecondary Vocational Qualification)

Kandidaatti/kandidat (Candidate)

Ammattikorkeakoulututkinto/yrkeshögskoleexamen (Bachelor)

Maisteri/magister (Master)

Ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto/högre yrkeshögskoleexamen (Master)

Lisensiaatti/licentiat (Licentiate)

Tohtori/doktor (Doctorate)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX)


Brevet d’Enseignement Professionnel-BEP (Certificate of Professional Training)

Certificat d’Aptitude Professionnelle-CAP (Certificate of Professional Ability)

Brevet de Technicien (Technican Certificate)

Baccalauréat Général (General Baccalaureate)

Baccalauréat Technologique (Technical Baccalaureate)

Baccalauréat Professionnel (Professional Baccalaureate)

Brevet Professionnel (Professional Certificate)

Diplôme d’Accèss aux Études Universitaires-DAEU (Diploma of Access to University Studies)



Transcript or Grade Report/Diploma Supplement

Brevet de Technicien Supérieur-BTS (Higher Technician Certificate)

Certificat de Fin d’Études Normales-CFEN (Certificate of Completion of Teacher Training Studies)

Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes Écoles-CPGE (Preparatory Program for Higher Schools of Professional Education)

Diplôme d’Études Universitaires Générales-DEUG (Diploma of General University Studies)

Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie-DUT (University Diploma of Technology)

Diplôme d’Études Universitaires Scientifiques et Technologiques-DEUST (Diploma of Scientific and Technological University Studies)

Licence (Licentiate)

Licence Professionnelle (Professional Licentiate)

Diplôme d’État d’Infirmier (State Nurse Diploma)

Maîtrise (Master)

Master (Master)

Magistère (Master)

Diplôme d’Ingénieur (Diploma of Engineer)

Diplôme de Grande École (Diploma of Higher School of Professional Education)

Certificat d’Aptitude au Professorat de l’Enseignement Secondaire-CAPES (Certificate of Ability for Secondary School Teaching)

Diplôme d’Études Supérieures Spécialisées -DESS (Diploma of Higher Specialized Studies)

Diplôme d’Études Approfondies-DEA (Diploma of Advanced Studies)

Master Spécialisé (Specialized Master)

Diplôme d’Études (Diploma of Studies)

Diplôme d’État (State Diploma)

Docteur (Doctor)

Doctorat (Doctorate)



French Guiana


See France



See France



French Polynesia

See France





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Brevet de Technicien (BT) (Certificate of Technician)

Certificat de fin d’études secondaires (Certificate of End of Secondary Studies)

Baccalauréat Technologique (Technological Baccalaureate)

Baccalauréat d’Enseignement Général (General Education Baccalaureate)

Certificate d’Aptitude Pédagogique (Certificate of Teaching Ability)



Releve de Notes

Capacité en Droit

Diplôme Universitaire d’Etudes Scientifiques (Diploma of University Scientific Studies)

Diplôme d’Etudes Universitaire Générales (GEUG) (Diploma of General University Studies)

Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie (DUT) (Diploma of University Technology)

Brevet de Technicien Supérieur-BTS (Certificate of Higher Technician)

Certificate d’Aptitude au Pedagogique des Collèges d’Enseignement General (Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude for Lower Secondary School)

Diplôme d Licence Professionnelle (Professional Licentiate Diploma)

Diplôme de Licence (Licentiate Diploma)

Diplôme de Maîtrise (Diploma of Master)

Diplôme d’Ingénieur (Diploma of Engineer)

Certificat d’Aptitude au Professorat des Lycées Techniques-CAPLT (Certificate Technical Upper Secondary School Teaching Ability)

Certificat d’Aptitude au Professorat de l’Enseignement Secondaire-CAPES (Certificate of Upper Secondary Teaching Ability)

Diplôme d’Enseignement Supérieur Spécialisée-DESS (Diploma of Higher Specialized Education)

Diplôme d’Études Approfondies-DEA (Diploma of Advanced Studies)

Diplôme de Master Professionnelle (Diploma of Professional Master)

Diplôme de Master (Diploma of Master)

Diplôme de Doctorat d’Etat en Médecine (State Doctor of Medicine)

Diplôme de Doctorat (Doctorate)



Gambia, The

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



West African School Certificate (WAEC) AND Scratch Card (FOR EACH EXAMINATION, UNUSED)

National Examinations Council (NECO) AND Result Card (FOR EACH EXAMINATION, UNUSED)

International General Certificate of Secondary Education-IGCSE

 Senior Secondary School Certificate-SSSC



Transcript or Grade Report


Higher Diploma

Higher National Diploma

Bachelor’s Degree




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


საშუალო განათლების ატესტატი [Sashualo Ganatlebis Atestati] (Certificate of Secondary Education)

 პროფესიულ–ტექნიკური სასწავლებლის დიპლომი [Prophesiul-teqnikuri saszavleblis diplomi] (Diploma of Occupational Technical School)

საშუალო (სახელობო) განათლების ატესტატი/დიპლომი [Sashualo (Sakhelobo) Ganatlebis Atestati/Diplomi] (Certificate/Diploma of Secondary Vocational Education)



Attachment to the Diploma, Academic Record, or Diploma Supplement

დიპლომი [Diplomi] (Diploma)

დიპლომირებული სპეციალისტი or სპეციალისტის დიპლომი [Diplomirebuli Spezialisti or Spezialistis Diplomi] (Diploma of Specialist)

ბაკალავრის დიპლომი [Bakalavris Diplomi] (Bachelor’s Diploma)

დიპლომირებული მედიკოსი (ვეტერინარი) [Diplomirebuli Medikosi (Veterinari)] (Diploma of Doctor of (Veterinary) Medicine)

მაგისტრის დიპლომი [Magistris Diplomi] (Master’s Degree)

მეცნიერებათა კანდიდატის დიპლომი [Metsnierebata Kandidatis Diplomi] (Candidate of Science Diploma)

დოქტორი [Doctori] (Doctor)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife/Abitur (General Qualification for Higher Education)

Zeugnis der Fachhochschulreife (Higher Education Qualification for Universities of Applied Sciences)

Zeugnis der Fachgebundene Hochschulreife (Specialized University Entrance Qualification)

Abschlusszeugnis de Berufsschule (Vocational School Diploma)

Abschlusszeugnis der Berufsfachschule (Certificate of Completion of Vocational Technical School)

Abschlusszeugnis der Fachschule (Technical School Diploma)



Transcript, Academic Record or Diploma Supplement

Diplom-Vorprüfung (Pre-Diploma Examination)

Vordiplom (Pre-Diploma)

Zeugnis der Zwischenprüfung (Certificate of Intermediate Examination)

Zwischenprüfungszeugnis (Intermediate Diploma Examination Certificate)



Bachelor Degree

Bakkalaureus (Bachelor Degree)

Erste Staatsprüfung (First State Examination)

Zwiete Staatsprüfung (Second State Examination)

Magister/Magister Artium/Magistra Artium (Master of Arts)

Master Degree

Zeugnis über die/das (Certificate of)

Zertifikat or Zeugnis (Certificate)

Doktor / Doktor der Wissenschaft (Doctor of Science)

Habilitation (Habilitation)






West African School Certificate (WAEC) AND Scratch Card (FOR EACH EXAMINATION, UNUSED)

National Examinations Council (NECO) AND Result Card (FOR EACH EXAMINATION, UNUSED)






State Registered Nurse-SRN

Higher National Diploma-HND

Bachelor Degree

Postgraduate Diploma/Certificate

Master Degree

Doctor Degree




See United Kingdom




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Απολυτήριο [Apolyterio] (Certificate of Completion)



Transcript, Academic Record or Diploma Supplement

Πτυχίο [Ptychio] (Diploma)

Πτυχίο Μεταπτυχιακό [Ptychio Metaptychiako] (Diploma of Graduate Studies)

Διδακτορικό [Didaktoriko] (Doctorate)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Studentereksamen (Matriculation Examination)



Transcripts, Academic Records, or Diploma Supplement


Kandidatgrad (Master)







Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate-CSEC

General Certificate of Education-GCE

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations-CAPE



The Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and other Health Professions (CAAM-HP) is the accrediting authority for medicine in CARICOM member states. A Course-By-Course Evaluation Report can be prepared only if you attended a private institution that was “accredited” or “accredited with conditions” at the time of your enrollment. Note that “provisional accreditation” is not sufficient.

Check the status of your institution on CAAM-HP website.





Associate Degree

Bachelor Degree




US territory and follow US system (Higher Edu falls under Western Association of Schools and Colleges)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Certificado de Estudios/Notas/Calificaciones (Certificate of Studies/Grades)

Bachiller en (Baccalaureate in)

Perito en (Expert in)

Maestro en Educación  (Teacher of Education)



Certificado de Estudios/Notas/Calificaciones (Certificate of Studies/Grades)

Título de Técnico (Technician)

Título de Diplomado (Title of Diploma Holder):

Título de Profesor (Teacher)

Enfermera Graduada (Nurse)

Baccalaureatus (Bachelor Degree)

Licenciado (Licenciate)

Título Profesional de (Professional Title of)

Título de Maestría, Título de Maestro, Título de Magister (Title of Master)

Doctor (Title of Doctor), Doctorado (Doctorate)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Baccalauréat Première Partie (Baccalaureate First Part)

Baccalauréat Technologique (Technological Baccalaureate)

Brevet d’Etudes Professionnelles BEP (Professional Studies Diploma)

Baccalauréat Deuxième Partie (Baccalaureate Second Part)



Certificat d’Aptitude à l’Enseignement Élémentaire (Certificate of Elementary Teaching Ability)

Diplôme d’Etudes Universitaires Générales DEUG (Diploma of General University Studies)

Diplôme d’État d’Infirmière (State Diploma of Nurse)

Brevet de Technicien Supérieur-BTS (Certificate of Higher Technician)

Diplôme de Licence en Sciences de l’Education (Diploma of Licentiate in Educational Science)

Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures-DES (Diploma of Higher Studies)

Diplôme d’Ingénieur (Diploma of Engineer)

Licence (Licentiate)

Diplôme de Maîtrise (Diploma of Master)

Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies-DEA (Doctor of Advanced Studies)

Diplôme de Docteur en Pharmacie (Diploma of Doctor of Pharmacy)

Diplôme du Mastère (Diploma of Master)

Diplôme de Docteur en Médecine (Diploma of Doctor of Medicine)

Diplôme d’Etat de Docteur (State Diploma of Doctor)

Diplôme du Doctorat (Diploma of Doctorate)



Guinea Bissau

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Certificado de Conclusão do Ensino Secundario (Certificate of Completion of Secondary Education)




Licenciatura (Licentiate)

Diploma de escola de direiro-DED (Diploma of Law School)






Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate-CSEC

General Certificate of Education-GCE

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination-CAPE



The Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and other Health Professions (CAAM-HP) is the accrediting authority for medicine in CARICOM member states. A Course-By-Course Evaluation Report can be prepared only if you attended a private institution that was “accredited” or “accredited with conditions” at the time of your enrollment. Note that “provisional accreditation” is not sufficient.

Check the status of your institution on CAAM-HP website.





Associate Degree 

Bachelor Degree

Graduate Diploma

Master Degree in Arts/Sciences



HOLY SEE (Vatican City)

Native language document with English translations. Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.

Transcript or Grade Report/Pagella Scolastica/Diploma Supplement
Baccalaureato (Bachelor Degree)
Laurea Specialistica (Specialist Laureate)
Licentia or Licenza (Licentiate)
Magistero (Teacher)
Dottorato (Doctorate)




ORIGINALS REQUIRED from institution, sent DIRECTLY to GCE


Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Brevet Supérieur

Diplôme de Technicien (Diploma of Technician)

Diplôme d’Études Secondaires (Diploma of Secondary Studies)

Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate)



Transcript or Grade Report/Releve du Notes

Certificat Technique (Technical Certificate)

Associate Degree

Diplôme (Diploma)

Diplôme Technique (Technical Diploma)

Diplôme de Technicien (Diploma of Technician)

Diplôme de Technologie  (Technology Diploma)

Diplôme Universitaire (University Diploma)

Certificat de Spécialisation (Certificate of Specialization)

Licence (Licentiate)

Licence Professionnelle (Professional Licentiate)

Bachelier (Bachelor)

Diplôme d’Études Supérieures Spécialisées (Diploma of Higher Specialized Studies)

Maîtrise or Master

Diplôme de Docteur en Médecine (Diploma of Doctor in Medicine)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Certificado de Estudios showing completion of Bachiller en (Bachelor in)

Certificado de Estudios showing completion of Bachiller Técnico en (Technical High School Graduate in)

Certificado de Estudios showing Maestro de Educación Primaria (Teacher of Primary Education)

Certificado de Estudios showing Técnico Medio (Middle Level Technician)



Transcript or Grade Report/Certificado de Estudios

Título de Técnico Universitario (Title of University Technician)

Título de Profesor de Educación Media (Title of Professor of Intermediate Education)

Título de Bachiller Universitario (Title of University Bachelor)

Título de Licenciado (Title of Licentiate)

Título Profesional de (Professional Title of)

Título de Doctor en (Title of Doctor in)

Diploma en Especialidad /Especialista (Diploma in Specialty/Specialist)

Título de Maestría (Title of Master)

Título de Doctor (Title of Doctor) or Doctorado (Doctorate)



Hong Kong

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination-HKCEE

Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education-HKDSE

Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination-HKALE



Transcript or Grade Report


Associate Degree

Bachelor Degree

Graduate Certificate/Diploma

Postgraduate Certificate/Diploma

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX)



Érettségi Bizonyítvány (Maturity Certificate)

Szakmunkás Bizonyítvány (Vocational Certificate)

Érettségi Bizonyítvány (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Szakgimnáziumi Érettségi Bizonyítvány (Vocational Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Érettségi Utáni Szakképesítés/Posztszekunder, Nem Felsőfokú Szakképesítés (Vocational Qualification Requiring the Secondary School Leaving Examination/Postsecondary Non-Tertiary Vocational Qualification)



Transcript or Grade Report/Diploma Supplement

Felsőfokú Szakképesítés (Higher Education Vocational Qualification)

Alapképzés/Alapfokozat (Bachelor Degree)

Mesterfokozat (Master Degree)

Szakirányú Továbbképzés (Postgraduate Specialized Training)

Doktori Képzés (Doctoral Degree)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Stúdentspróf (Matriculation Examination)

Sveinspróf (Journeyman’s Examination)



Námsferilsyfirlit (Transcript) or Diploma Supplement

Diplóma (Diploma)

Grunndiplóma (Basic Diploma)

Baccalaureatus (Bachelor Degree)

Meistarapróf (Master Degree)

Kandidatspróf (Candidate)

Doktorspróf / Doktorsgráða  (Doctor of Philosophy)




We are pleased to announce that Trential is our trusted partner for electronic verification of educational documents from India. For a swift and secure verification process, please follow the instructions in the guide linked below.

Please do not submit your documents with the application,  if  your documents are being verified and submitted to GCE by  Trential : Sign up / Login – Web Wallet – Trential

You must submit one copy of the backside/overleaf for each program of study, the page showing the grading/marks system.  Failure to do so may result in a delay in completing your evaluation.

Secondary School Leaving Certificate
Higher Secondary Certificate
Senior Secondary Certificate
Delhi Senior School Certificate
All India Senior School Certificate
Indian School Certificate
Pre-University Certificate
Pre-Degree or Intermediate Certificate


Individual Mark Sheets (front and back)
Bachelor Degree
Master Degree
Post Graduate Diploma
Doctor of Philosophy




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Ijazah Sekolah Menengah Atas (Diploma of Upper Secondary Education)

Ijazah Madrasah Aliyah (Diploma of Islamic Upper Secondary Education)

Ijazah Sekolah Menengah Atas Luar Biasa (Diploma of Upper Secondary Special Education)

Ijazah Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (Diploma of Vocational Education)

Ijazah Madrasah Aliyah Kejuruan (Diploma of Islamic Vocational Education)



Transcript or grade report


Sarjana (Bachelor Degree)

Profesi (Professional Degree)

Magister (Master Degree)

Spesialis (Specialization)

Doktor (Doctor of Philosophy Degree)




GCE is not accepting applications for education completed in Iran. Any application submitted will be cancelled.






Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


ﺍﻻﻋﺩﺍﺩﻳﺔ ﺍﻟﻣﺭﺣﻠﺔ Adadiyah (Sixth Form Baccalaureate/Preparatory Baccalaureate)

ﺍﻟﻣﻬﻧﻳﺔ ﺍﻻﻋﺩﺍﺩﻳﺔ Mihniya (Vocational Baccalaureate)

Preparatory Examination



Transcript or Grade Report

ﺗﻘﻧﻲ ﺩﺑﻠﻭﻡ / ﻓﻧﻲ ﺩﺑﻠﻭﻡ (Diploma of Technician)

ﺍﻻﺑﺗﺩﺍﺋﻲ ﺍﻟﺗﻌﻠﻳﻡ ﺩﺑﻠﻭﻡ (Diploma of Primary Education)

 ﺑﻛﺎﻟﻭﺭﻳﻭﺱ (Bachelor Degree)

ﻣﺎﺟﺳﺗﻳﺭ (Master Degree)

ﻋﺎﻟﻲ ﺩﺑﻠﻭﻡ (Higher Diploma)

ﺩﻛﺗﻭﺭﺍﻩ (Doctor of Philosophy)





Teastas Shinsearach (Leaving Certificate)

Ardteistiméireacht (Leaving Certificate)

Senior Certificate



Transcript, Grade Report or Diploma Supplement



Bachelor Degree

Postgraduate Diploma

Master Degree


Doctor of Philosophy



Isle of Man

See United Kingdom




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX)



Teudat Gemer Maslul Mikzoi Ma’asi ‘MASMAM’ (Final Diploma of Practical Secondary Technological and Vocational Track)

Teudat Gemer Maslul Mikzoi Ragil ‘MASMAR’ (Final Diploma of Regular Secondary Technological and Vocational Track)

Teudat Gemer Maslul Mikzoi Tichon ‘MASMAT’ (Final Diploma of Secondary Technological and Vocational Track)

Teudat Gemer Tichonit (Completion of Grade 12)

Teudat Bagrut (Matriculation Certificate)



Transcript or Grade Report

Handassai (Practical Engineer Certificate)

Teudat (General Certificate)


Doctor Degree

Master Degree





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX)


Diploma di Abilitazione all’lnsegnamento nelle Scuole del Grado Preparatorio (Diploma of Qualification to Teach in Preparatory-Level Schools)

Diploma di Maestro d’Arte (Diploma of Master of Art)

Diploma Professionale di Tecnico (Professional Diploma of Technician)

Diploma di Maturità Magistrale (Teacher Training Maturity Diploma)

Diploma di Infermiere Professionale (Diploma of Professional Nurse)

Diploma di Maturita/Diploma di Esame di Stato (Maturity Diploma/Diploma of State Examination)



Transcript, Grade Record or Diploma Supplement

Diploma Universitario (University Diploma)

Diploma (Diploma)

Laurea Livello 1 (Level 1 Degree)

Diploma di Laurea / Laurea di Dottore (Laureate Diploma / Laureate of Doctor)

Laurea Magistrale (Master-Level Laureate)

Laurea Specialistica (Specialist Laureate)

Master universitario I / Master universitario (Master Degree)

Dottorato di Ricerca (Research Doctorate)

Diploma di specializzazione (Diploma of Specialization)

Diploma accademico di specializzazione (Academic Specialization Diploma)

Diploma di Tecnico Superiore (Higher Technician Diploma)




GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX),


General Certificate of Education-GCE

Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate-CSEC

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination-CAPE



The Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and other Health Professions (CAAM-HP) is the accrediting authority for medicine in CARICOM member states. A Course-By-Course Evaluation Report can be prepared only if you attended a private institution that was “accredited” or “accredited with conditions” at the time of your enrollment. Note that “provisional accreditation” is not sufficient.

Check the status of your institution on CAAM-HP website.



Transcript or Grade Report



Associate Degree

Bachelor Degree

Postgraduate Diploma

Master Degree

Doctor Degree




GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX)



卒業証書 Chugaakko Sotsugyo shosho (Graduation Certificate)



Transcript or Grade Report

準学士 Jun-gakushi (Associate Degree)

専門士 Senmonshi (Diploma)

学士 Gakushi (Bachelor’s Degree)

高度専門士 Koudo-senmonshi (Advanced Diploma)

修 士 Shushi (Master’s Degree)

法務博士(専門職)Houmu hakushi (Senmonshoku) (Juris Doctor)

博 士 Hakushi (Doctor’s Degree)




See United Kingdom




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Tawjihi (General Secondary Education Certificate)

Technical Tawjihi  (Certificate of Technical/Vocational Secondary Education)

Certificate of Applied Secondary Education



Transcript or Grade Report

Intermediate Diploma/Associate Degree

Bachelor Degree

Diploma of Higher Studies/Higher Diploma

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Supplement to the Certificate or Supplement to the Diploma

Аттестат (Diploma of General Secondary Education)



Supplement to Diploma, Record or Diploma Supplement

Диплом о среднем профессиональном образовании (Diploma of Secondary Vocational Education)

Диплом о техническом н профессиональном образовании (Diploma of Complete Vocational/Technical Education)

Диплом бакалавра / Bakalavr (Diploma of Bachelor)

Диплом специалиста / Diplom Spetsialista (Diploma of Specialist)

Диплом магистра / Magister (Diploma of Master)

Кандидат наук / Kandidat Nauk (Candidate of Science)

Доктор наук / Doktor Nauk (Doctor of Science)





Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)

Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (KACE)



Transcript or Grade Report



Higher Diploma

Bachelor Degree

Post-Graduate Diploma

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy




See South Paciffic



Korea, Republic of

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.

GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX)

Verification forms must be valid.


Transcript or Academic Record

Senior High School Diploma



Transcript or Academic Record

Associate Degree

Bachelor Degree

First Professional Degree

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy Degree




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Grade Report

Diplomë (Diploma)



Pasqyrë e Notave (Grade Report), Academic Record, or Diploma Supplement

Diplomë për Mësues të Ciklit të Shkollës nëntëvjeçare (Diploma for Teacher of the lower level of the nine-year school)

Diplomë e studimeve themelore – Bachelor (Bachelor Degree)

Magjistër (Master Degree)

Specijalist (Specialist)

Doktor i Shkencave (Doctor of Science)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Shahadat Al-Thanawiya-Al-A’ama (General Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Vocational Secondary School Certificate



Transcript or Grade Report


Bachelor Degree

Higher Diploma

Master Degree

Doctorate degree





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Attachment to Diploma, Addendum to Diploma

Аттестат (Certificate of General Secondary Education)



Supplement to Diploma, Academic Record or Diploma Supplement

Диплом о среднем профессиональном образовании (Diploma of Secondary Vocational Education)

Диплом о неполном высшем образовании (Diploma of Incomplete Higher Education)

Диплом бакалавра / Bakalavr (Diploma of Bachelor)

Диплом специалиста / Diplom Spetsialista (Diploma of Specialist)

Диплом магистра / Magistra (Diploma of Master)

Кандидат наук / Kandidat Nauk (Candidate of Science)

Доктор наук / Doktor Nauk (Doctor of Science)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Primary Teacher Training Certificate

Upper Secondary Achievement Examination Diploma


Technical or Vocational Certificate



Transcript or Grade Report/Releve du Notes/certificat


Higher Diploma

Bachelor Degree

Master Degree

Doctoral Degree




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Apliecība par profesionālo pamatizglītību (Certificate of Basic Vocational Education)

Atestāts par arodizglītību (Certificate of Vocational Education)

Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību (Certificate of General Secondary Education)

Diploms par profesionālo vidējo izglītību (Diploma of Vocational Secondary Education)

Diploms par Vidējo Speciālo Izglītību (Diploma of Professional Secondary Education)



Transcript or Grade Report/Diploma Supplement

Diploms par pirmā līmeņa profesionālo augstāko izglītību (Diploma of First Level Professional Higher Education)

Bakalaura Diploms (Diploma of Bachelor)

Profesionālā Bakalaura Diploms (Professional Bachelor Diploma)

Maģistra Diploms (Diploma of Master)

Profesionālā Maģistra Diploms (Professional Diploma of Master)

Diploms (Diploma)

Doktora (Doctorate)

Habilitēts Doktors (Habilitated Doctor)





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Baccalaureat Technique

General Certificate of Secondary Education

High School Diploma



Transcript or Grade Report

Associate Degree

Diplôme d’Études Universitaires Générales-DEUG (Diploma of General University Studies)

Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie-DUT (University Diploma of Technology)

Diplôme de Technicien Supérieur-DTS (Diploma of Higher Technician)

Licence (Licentiate)


Maîtrise (Master)


Diplôme (Diploma)


Diplôme d’Études Approfondies – DEA (Diploma of Advanced Studies)

Diplôme d’Études Supérieures – DES (Diploma of Higher Studies)

Diplôme d’Études Supérieures Spécialisées – DESS (Diploma of Specialized Higher Studies)

Doctor of Medicine

Doctorat (Doctorate)

Doctor of Philosophy





Technical Certificate

Cambridge Overseas School Certificate

Lesotho General Certificate of Secondary Education

Certificate in Early Childhood Education



Transcript or Grade Report



Advanced Diploma

Bachelor Degree

Postgraduate Diploma

Master Degree

Doctoral Degree






West African School Certificate (WAEC) AND Scratch Card (FOR EACH EXAMINATION, UNUSED)

National Examinations Council (NECO) AND Result Card (FOR EACH EXAMINATION, UNUSED)

Liberia Senior High School Certificate Examination – LSHSCE



Transcript or Grade Report

Associate Degree




Master Degree

Doctor of Medicine





General Secondary School Certificate

Specialized Secondary Education Certificate

Intermediate Training Diploma

Technical Secondary School Certificate



Transcript or Grade Report

Higher Technician Diploma

Teacher Training Certificate

Bachelor Degree

Higher Diploma

Master Degree

Advanced Diploma





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.






Transcript or Grade Report/Diploma Supplement

Bachelor of Science

Master of Science






Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Secondary School Leaving Certificate

Brandos atestatas and Brandos atestato priedas (Maturity Certificate and Supplement)

Tarptautinio bakalaureato diplomas (International Baccalaureate)

Profesinio mokymo diplomas (Diploma)

Kvalifikacijos Pažymėjimas (Certificate of Qualification)



Transcript or Grade Report/Diploma Supplement

Aukštojo mokslo diplomas (Diploma of Higher Education)

Profesinio bakalauro diplomas and Diplomo priedėlis (Professional Bachelor’s Diploma and Diploma Supplement )

Bakalauro diplomas, Diplomo priedėlis,  and Bakalauro laipsnis (Bachelor Diploma, Diploma Supplement, and Bachelor Degree)

Magistro diplomas, Diplomo priedėlis, and Magistro laipsnis (Master Diploma, Diploma Supplement, and Master Degree)

Daktauro (Doctorate Degree)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Certificat de Capacité Professionnelle – CCP (Certificate on Professional Capability)

Diplôme d’Aptitude Professionnelle – DAP (Diploma of Professional Aptitude)

Diplôme de Fin d’Etudes Secondaires (Secondary School Leaving Diploma)

Diplôme de Fin d’Etudes Secondaires Techniques (Secondary School Technical Diploma)

Diplôme de Technicien (Technician’s Diploma)



Transcript or Grade Report/Diploma Supplement

Brevet de Technicien Supérieur – BTS (Higher Technician’s Certificate)

Bachelor Degree

Master Degree

Doctorat (Doctorate)

Doctor of Philosophy

Brevet de Maîtrise (Master Craftsman’s Certificate)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Certificao do Curso Complementar (Certificate of Complementary Course)

Diploma in Education

Hong Kong Certificate of Education – HKCE

General Certificate of Education – GCE

Senior Secondary Certificate

Certificao do Decimo-Segundo Ano (Certificate of 12th Year)

Hong Kong Higher Level Examination – HKHLE



Transcripts or Academic Records



Higher Diploma

Bacharelato (Baccalaureate)

Licenciatura (Licentiate)

Bachelor Degree

Postgraduate Certificate / Diploma

Mestrado (Master)

Master Degree

Doutoramento (Doctorate)

Doctor of Philosophy




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Transcripts or Academic Records

Свидетелство за завршено средно образование [Diploma za zavrsheno sredno obrazovanie] (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

International Baccalaureate

Свидетелство за завршено средно техничко образование [Svidetelstvo za zavrsheno sredno tekhnichko obrazovanie] (Technical Secondary School Leaving Certificate)



Transcripts, Academic Records or Diploma Supplement

Диплома и Стурчен Назив (Diploma and Professional Title)

Диплома [Diploma] (Diploma)

Магистер (Master)

Доктор (Doctor)

Cпецијалист [Spetsiyalist] (Specialist)

Доктор на науки [Doctor na nauki] (Doctor of Science)

Доктор на медицински науки [Doctor na meditsinski nauki] (Doctor of Medical Science)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Releve de Notes (Grade Report)

Diplôme d’Instituteur (Primary School Teacher Diploma)

Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate)



Releve de Notes (Grade Report)

Diplôme Universitaire de Technicien Supérieur en Informatique (Higher Computer Technician University Diploma)

Diplôme de Fin d’Etudes du Premier Cycle en (Diploma of End of First Cycle Studies in)

Diplôme Universitaire d’Etudes – DUE (University Diploma of Studies)

Brevet de Technician Supérieur (Higher Technician Certificate)

Licence (Licentiate)

Certificat d’Aptitutde Pédagogique de l’Ecole Normale – CAPEN (Teacher Training School Certificate of Teaching Ability)

Maîtrise (Master)

Diplôme  (Diploma)

Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures Specialisées – DESS (Diploma of Higher Specialized Studies)

Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies – DEA (Diploma of Advanced Studies)

Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures – DES (Diploma of Higher Studies)

Doctorat de (Doctor of)

Doctor d’Etat (Doctor of State)





Teachers’ Certificate T3

State Enrolled Nurse

Malawi School Certificate of Education

Malawi General Certificate of Education



Transcript or Academic Record

Teachers’ Certificate T2

Diploma / Certificate

State Registered Nurse Diploma

Medical Auxiliary

Bachelor Degree

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX)



Transcript or Academic Record

Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia – SPM (Malaysian Certificate of Education)

Sijil Vokasional Malaysia – SVM (Malaysia Certificate of Vocational Education)

Sijil Matrikulasi (Matriculation Certificate)

Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia – STPM (Malaysia Higher School Certificate)

Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia – STAM (Malaysian Higher Religious School Certificate)

United Examination Certificate for Independent Chinese Schools in Malaysia (UEC)



Transcript or Academic Record

Sijil (Certificate)


Diploma Lanjutan (Advanced Diploma)


Postgraduate Certificate

Postgraduate Diploma







Secondary School Certificate – SSC

International General Certificate of Secondary Education – IGCSE

Higher Secondary School Certificate – HSSC

Foundation Studies at Maldives College of Higher Education



Transcript or Academic Records

Advanced Certificate


Advanced Diploma

Bachelor Degree

Master Degree




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Releve de Notes

Baccalauréat Malien (Baccalaureate)

Diplôme de (Diploma of)

Brevet de Technicien BT (Technician Certificate)



Releve de Notes

Diplôme de Technicien Supérieur (Advanced Technician Diploma)

Diplôme de (Diploma of)

Diplôme d’Études Universitaires Générales – DEUG (Diploma of General University Studies)

Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie – DUT (University Diploma of Technology)

Licence (Licenciate)

Maîtrise (Master)

Diplôme d’Études Approfondies – DEA (Diploma of Advanced Studies)

Diplôme d’Études Supérieures Spécialisées – DESS (Diploma of Higher Specialized Studies)

Doctorat (Doctorate)





General Certificate of Education – GCE

Matriculation Certificate



Transcript, Academic Record or Diploma Supplement

MCAST-BTEC Diploma / Certificate

Certificate / Diploma

University Certificate / Diploma

Bachelor Degree

Postgraduate Certificate / Diploma

Postgraduate Diploma

Master Degree

Doctor Degree

Doctor of Philosophy



Marshall Islands

See South Pacific




See France




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Releve de Notes

Brevet d’Études du Premier Cycle – BEPC (Certificate of First Cycle Studies)

Certificat d’Aptitude Pédagogique (Certificate of Teaching Ability)

Brevet d’Enseignement Professionel – BEP (Certificate of Professional Studies)

Diplôme du Baccalauréat de l’Enseigement du Secondaire (Secondary Education Baccalaureate Diploma)

Brevet de Technicien – BT (Technician Certificate)



Releve de Notes

Certificat d’Aptitude aux Fonctions de Professeur du Premier Cycle – CAPPC (Certificate of First Cycle Teaching Functions)

Brevet de Technicien Supérieur – BTS (Higher Technician Certificate)

Diplôme d’Etudes Universitaires Générales – DEUG (Diploma of General University Studies)

Licence / Licence Professionnelle Licentiate)

Certificat d’Aptitude au Professorat de l’Enseignement Secondaire – CAPES (Certificate of Secondary School Teaching Ability)

Maîtrise / Master (Master)

Doctorat (Doctor)





General Certificate of Education – GCE

Cambridge School Certificate / Higher School Certificate



Transcript or Academic Record

Certificate / Diploma

Bachelor Degree

Postgraduate Certificate

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy




See France




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Bachillerato (Baccalaureate)

Título de (Title of)



Certificado de Estudios or Kardex

Plan de Estudios or mapa curricular, if available


Título de (Title of)

Licenciatura (Licentiate) / Título de Licenciado (Title of Licentiate)

Título Profesional (Professional Title)

Título de Especialista (Title of Specialist)

Grado de Maestro / Maestría (Master Degree) / Grado Académico de Maestro (Academic Degree of Master)

Grado de Doctor / Doctorado (Doctoral Degree) / Grado Académico de Doctor (Academic Degree of Doctor)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Anexa or Tabelul

Atestat de Studii Medii de Cultură Generală (Certificate of General Secondary Education)

Atesta de Maturitate (Certificate of Maturity)

Diplomă de Bacalaureat (Baccalaureate Diploma)

Diplomă de Studii Superioare de Scurta Durata (Diploma of Short Program in Higher Education)



Situatia Academica, Certificat Academic, Adeverinta Academica or Diploma Supplement

Diplomă de Technologii (Diploma of Technology)

Diplomă de Studii Superioare de Scurta Durata (Diploma of Short Program in Higher Education)

Diplomă de Studii Superioare Universitare (Diploma of Higher Education)

Diplomă de Licenţă (Diploma of Licentiate)

Diplomă of Inginer (Diploma of Engineer)

Diplomă de Doctor- (Diploma of Professional Doctor)

Diplomă de Magistru (Diploma of Master)

Diplomă de Doctor (Diploma of Doctor)

Doctor Abilitat (Doctor of Science)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Releve de Notes

Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate)



Releve de Notes, Academic Record or Diploma Supplement

Brevet de Technicien Supérieur – BTS (Higher Technician Certificate)

Diplôme de (Diploma of)

Diplôme d’Etat (State Diploma)

Licence / Bachelor Degree

Diplôme National Supérieur de – DNSE (Higher National Diploma of)

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Gerchilgee (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Certificate of Secondary Vocational Education



Diploma Attachment or Annex to the Diploma

Higher Education Diploma

Bachelor Degree

Master Degree

Doctor Degree




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Diploma o Treci Stepen (Diploma of Third Degree)

Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education)



Transcript, Academic Record, or Diploma Supplement

Diploma Visokog Obrazovanja (First University Diploma)

Diploma Viršeg Obrazovanja (Higher National Diploma)

Masgistar nauka / Magistar umetnosti (Master of Science / Master of Arts)

Specialist studies diploma

Doktor Nauka (Doctoral)




Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate – CSEC
General Certificate of Education – GCE
Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations – CAPE



The Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and other Health Professions (CAAM-HP) is the accrediting authority for medicine in CARICOM member states. A Course-By-Course Evaluation Report can be prepared only if you attended a private institution that was “accredited” or “accredited with conditions” at the time of your enrollment. Note that “provisional accreditation” is not sufficient.

Check the status of your institution on CAAM-HP website.


Transcript or Grade Report
Doctor of




Native language document with English translations. Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.

Relevé de Notes
Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate)


Relevé de Notes
Brevet de Technicien Supérieur – BTS (Higher Technician Certificate)
Diplôme de Technicien Spécialisé (Diploma of Specialized Technician)
Certificat Universitaire d’Études – CUE (University Certificate of)
Diplôme d’Études Universitaires Générales – DEUG (Diploma of General University Studies)
Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie – DUT (University Diploma of Technology)
Diplôme de Technicien Supérieur – DTS (Higher Technician Diploma)
Diplôme d’État d’Infirmier (State Nurse Diploma)
Licence /Licence Professionnelle (Licentiate)
Maîtrise Es-Sciences et Techniques (Master of Sciences and Techniques)
Diplôme de Maîtrise (Diploma of Master)
Bachelor Degree
Certificat d’Études Supérieures Approfondies – CESA (Certificate of Higher Advanced Studies)
Master (Master)
Master Spécialisé (Specialized Master)
Diplôme d’Ingénieur (Diploma of Engineering)
Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieurs Approfondies – DESA (Diploma of Advanced Higher Studies)
Diplôme d’Architecte (Diploma of Architect)
Doctorat en Pharmacie (Doctorate in)
Diplôme de Docteur Vétérinaire (Diploma of Veterinary Doctor)
Diplôme d’Études Supérieures Spécialisées – DESS (Diploma of Higher Specialized Studies)
Diplôme de Doctorate (Doctorate Diploma)
Doctorat d’État (State Doctorate)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Transcript or Grade Report

Certificado de Habilitação Literaria (Certificate of Learning Competence)



Transcript or Grade Report

Bacharelato / Bacharel (Bachelor)

Licenciatura / Licenciado (Licentiate)

Mestrado (Master)

Doutoramento (Doctorate)





Examination Results and Matriculation Examination

Basic Education Standard X Examination



Transcript or Grade Report


Bachelor Degree

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy





Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate

International General Certificate of Education – IGCSE

Higher International General Certificate of Education – HIGCSE



Transcript or Grade Report



National Diploma

National Higher Certificate

Bachelor Degree

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy





Fiji School Leaving Certificate




Transcript or Grade Report

Community Worker’s Certificate





Certificate of Education

Higher Secondary Education Examination Certificate

National Examination Board Examination Certificate/School Leaving Certificate

Proficiency Level Certificate

Intermediate of Science



Transcript or Grade Report/Statement of Marks


Bachelor Degree

Post-Graduate Diploma

Master Degree

Doctor Degree




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX)


Voorbereidend Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs – VMBO (Preparatory Secondary Vocational Education)

Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs – HAVO (Senior General Secondary Education)

Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs – VWO (University Preparatory Education)

Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs – MBO (Senior Secondary Vocational Education)



Transcript or Grade Report/Diploma Supplement

Propedeuse (Propaedeutic Examination)

Associate Degree

Bachelor Degree

Getuigschrift Hoger Beroepsonderwijs – HBO (Higher Professional Education Diploma)

Master Degree


Professional Doctorate

Doctor (Doctorate)



Netherlands Antilles

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Voorbereidend Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs – VMBO (Preparatory Secondary Vocational Education)

Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs – HAVO (Senior General Secondary Education)

Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs – VWO (University Preparatory Education)



Transcript or Grade Report

Associate Degree


Bachelor of Science


Master Degree



New Caledonia

See France



New Zealand

GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX) or  My eQuals


School Certificate

National Certificate of Educational Achievement

Sixth Form Certificate

Higher School Certificate

University Entrance and Bursaries Examinations

New Zealand University Entrance

National Certificate on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF)



Transcript or Grade Report


National Diploma

Bachelor Degree

Graduate / Post Graduate Diploma

Post Graduate Certificate

Master Degree

Doctor / Doctorate




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Título de Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras (Title of Secondary Graduate in Sciences and Letters)

Enfermero Técnico Medio / Enfermero Básico (Middle Level Nursing Technician / Basic Nurse)

Título de Técnico Medio / Título de Bachiller Técnico (Middle Level Technician / Title of Secondary Technical Graduate)

Maestro de Educación Primaria (Primary School Teacher)



Transcript or Grade Report/Certificado

Título de Técnico Superior (Title of Higher Technician)

Título de (Title of)

Licenciatura (Licentiate)

Título de Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía (Title of Doctor of Medicine and Surgery)

Título de Especialista en (Title of Specialist in)

Grado Académico de Maestría (Academic Degree of Master)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Brevet d’Etudes du Premier Cycle – BEPC (Certificate of First Cycle Studies)

Diplôme de Fin d’Etudes de Base – DFEB (Certificate of End of Basic Studies)

Diplôme de Fin Etudes Normales – DFEN (Diploma of End of Teacher Training Studies)

Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate)



Transcript or Grade Report/Releve du Notes

Brevet de Technicien Supérieur – BTS (Higher Technician Certificate)

Diplôme de Technicien Supérieur – DTS (Higher Technician Diploma)

Diplôme Universitaire d’Etudes – DUE (University Diploma of Studies)

Diplôme d’Aptitude au Professorat des Collèges d’Enseignement Général – DAPCEG (Diploma General Lower Secondary School Teaching Ability)

Diplôme de Licence (Diploma of Licentiate)

Diplôme de Licence Professionnel (Diploma of Professional Licentiate)

Diplôme d’État d’Infirmière (State Diploma of Nurse)

Diplôme de Maîtrise (Diploma of Master)

Certificat d’Aptitude Professionnelle a l’Enseignement Secondaire – CAPES (Certificate of Professional Ability in Secondary Education)

Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures Spécialisées (DESS) (Diploma of Higher Specialized Studies)

Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies – DEA (Diploma of Advanced Studies)

Diplôme de Master (Diploma of Master)

Diplôme de Master Professionnel (Diploma of Professional Master)

Diplôme d’Etat de Docteur en (State Diploma of Doctor in)

Diplôme de Doctorat de Troisième Cycle (Diploma of Third Cycle Doctorate)

Diplôme de Doctorat d’Etat (Diploma of State Doctorate)




ORIGINALS REQUIRED from institution, sent DIRECTLY to GCE

(Attach a copy of your degree with your application if the transcript from your institution does not clearly state that you graduated and/or received a degree.  We cannot determine degree equivalency without proof of degree.)


1999-present West African School Certificate (WAEC) and access to digital WAEC (visit www.waec.org/access – follow the instructions to share the certificate to documents@gceus.com)

1980-1998 West African School Certificate (WAEC) AND Scratch Card (FOR EACH EXAMINATION, UNUSED – purchased here  https://www.waec.org/ )

National Examinations Council (NECO) AND Result Card (FOR EACH EXAMINATION, UNUSED)

Grade II Teachers Certificate

Senior School Certificate

National Certificate



Transcript or Grade Report



Advanced National Certificate

National / Higher National Diploma

Bachelor Degrees

Doctor Degree

Post Graduate Diploma

Professional Diploma

Master Degree

Master of Philosophy

Doctor of Philosophy





New Zealand Sixth Form Certificate

Higher School Certificate



Norfolk Island

See Australia




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX)


Vitnemal fra den Vidergăende Skolen (Certificate for Upper Secondary School)

Yrkesfaglig utdanning / Svennebrev/Fagbrev (Apprenticeship/Work Experience)

Voksenopplæring (Adult Education)

Vitnemal fra den Vidergăende Opplaering (Supplemental General Education)

Vitnemal fra den Vidergăende Opplaering (General upper secondary education)

Certificate for Upper Secondary School



Transcript or Grade Report/Diploma Supplement

Examen Philosophicum (Universities and some regional colleges)

Høgskolekandida / Hogskole-kandidat (College Candidate)

Bachelor Degree

Candidatus magisterii (Candidate Master)

Master Degree

Candidatus (Professional Degrees)

Candidates scientiarum (Candidate Sciences)


Lisensiat (License)

Doktor (Doctor)

Doktor Philosophiae (Doctor of Phisolosphy)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Thanawiya Amma (General Certificate in General Education/General Education Diploma/General Secondary School Certificate)

Preparation or Foundation Program



Transcript and Academic Record



Associates Degree

Bachelor Degree

Postgraduate Diploma

Master Degree

Doctor of Medicine

Doctoral Degree





Higher Secondary School Certificate/Intermediate Certificate




Transcript or Grade Report

Individual Mark Sheets – front and back

Associate Degree

Bachelor Degree

Postgraduate Diploma

Master Degree

Doctoral Degree





High School Diploma



Transcript or Grade Report

Associate of Arts or Science




All supporting documents must be official academic records in the official language(s) of issue. Please submit professional English translations for all documents not officially issued in English. For secondary studies, please submit transcripts for each year of study completed and/or the final examination results. Also submit the final diploma/examination certificate, if earned.

tawjihi (General Secondary Education Certificate)


Transcript or Grade Report
Intermediate Diploma
Bachelor’s degree
Teaching Diploma
Higher Diploma
Higher Diploma in Education
Master’s Degree
Bachelor of Medicine
Doctorate Degree





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Bachiller (Baccalaureate)

Maestro de (Teacher of)



Transcript or Grade Report

Técnico (Technician)

Diploma de (Diploma of)

Profesor en / de (Teacher of)

Licenciado/Licenciatura (Licenciate)

Doctor de (Doctor of)

Postgrado (Postgraduate)

Doctor (Doctoral degree)



Papua New Guinea


Technical Training Certificate

Higher School Certificate



Transcript or Grade Report



Bachelor Degree

Graduate / Postgraduate Diploma

Doctor of Philosophy

Doctor of Medicine




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Bachiller en Ciencas y Letras (Baccalaureate)

Bachiller Humanistico-Scientifico

Formación Profesional (Occupational Instruction and Training)

Educación Media para Personas Jóvenes y Adultas (Secondary Education for Youths and Adults)



Transcript or Grade Report

Títulos (Titles)

Profesorado (Teacher Preparation)

Licenciaturas/Licenciado (Licentiates)

Actualización (Updating or Modernizing)

Capacitación (Training Program)

Título de Especialista (Title of Specialist)

Título de Magister/ Máster / Maestro (Title of Master)

Título de Doctor (Title of Doctor)





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Bachillerato/Bachiller (Baccalaureate)



Transcript or Grade Report/historia académica

Título (Title)

Título Profesional (Professional Title)

Grado de Bachiller / Grado Académico de Bachiller (Degree of Bachelor / Academic Degree of Bachelor)

Licenciatura (Licentiate)

Diplomado (Diploma)

Título de Especialista (Title of Specialist)

Magister / Maestro

Maestría (Master Degree)

Doctorado (Doctorate)





Transcript of Record – TOR

High School Diploma



Transcript of Record – TOR

Sertipiko or Certificate

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) National Certificate

Asosyado Associate degree

Tapos sa Pagnanarses / Tapos sa Kurso ng Pagnanarses (Graduate in Nursing)

Batsilyer (Bachelor Degree)

Diploma / Post Graduate Diploma


Masterado (Master Degree)

Doktor (Doctor)




See New Zealand





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Świadectwo Ukończenia Zasadniczej Szkoły Zawodowej (Certificate of Completion of Basic Vocational School)

Świadectwo Dojrzałości (Maturity Certificate)

Swiadectwo Ukończenia (Certificate of Completion)

Dyplom Uzyskania Tytułu Zawodowego (Diploma of Vocational Title)



Transcript or Grade Report / Indeks / Diploma Supplement

Swiadectwo Ukończenia Szkoły Policealnej (Certificate of Completion of Education of post-secondary school)

Dyplom Ukończenia Studiów Wyższych (Diploma of Completion of Higher Education Studies) Dyplom Ukończenia Kolegium NauczycielskiegoI

Tytuł (Title)

Tytuł Licencjat (Title of Licentiate)

Tytuł Magister (Title of Master)

Doktor (Doctor)

Doktor Habilitowany / Doktor Habilitowany Sztuki (Habilitated Doctor / Habilitated Doctor of Arts)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Diploma / Certificado de Ensinos Secundários (Diploma / Certificate of Secondary Studies)

Diploma / Certificado de qualificação profissional, nivel III (Professional Diploma / Certificate, level III)



Transcript or Grade Report/Historico Escolar/Diploma Supplement

Curso de Especialização Tecnológica – CET (Technological Specialization Course)

Diploma de Especialização Technológica – DET (Diploma of Technological Specialization)

Certificado de Aptidão Profissional – CAP (Professional Suitability Certificate)

Bacharel  (Bachelor)

Licenciado (Licentiate)

Diploma do Ciclo Especial (Special Cycle Diploma)

Diploma de Estudos Superiores – DESE (Diploma of Higher Specialized Studies)

Mestre (Master)

Doutor (Doctor)

Agregação (Aggregation



Puerto Rico

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Diploma de Escuela Superior (High School Diploma)



Transcript or Grade Report

Grado Asociado (Associate Degree)

Bachillerato (Bachelor Degree)

Grado de Bachillerato (Bachelor Degree)

Certificado Profesional Post Bachillerato (Post-Baccalaureate Professional Certificate)

Certificado Profesional Graduado (Graduate Professional Certificate)

Certificado de Postgrado (Graduate Certificate)

Grado de Maestría (Master’s Degree)

Certificado Post Maestría (Post-Master’s Certificate)

Grado de Doctor (Degree of Doctor)

Grado de Juris Doctor (Doctor of Law Degree)

Doctorado (Doctorate)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Thanawiya Aama Qatari (Qatari General Secondary Education Certificate)

Thanawiya Fanni also Thanawiya al-fanni (Commercial Secondary School Certificate [Vocational])

Thanawiya Sina’ah / Thanawiya al-sina’ah (Technical Secondary Certificate [Vocational])



Transcripts or Academic Record

Associates Degree

Bachelor Degree

Postgraduate Diploma

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy




See France




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Diplomă de Absolvire a liceului (Secondary Education Graduation Diploma)

Diplomă de Bacalaureat (Baccalaureate Diploma)



Transcript or Grade Report/Diploma Supplement

Diplomă de licenţă (Bachelor Diploma)

Diplomă de inginer (Engineer Diploma)

Diplomă de urbanist/arhitect (Architect Diploma)

Diplomă de Maistru/Master/Magister (Master Diploma)

Diplomă de doctor (Doctor Diploma)




Native language document with English translations AND verification screenshot.

Translations must be issued by the university or by an ATA-certified translator.


ALL DIPLOMAS submitted MUST have a corresponding verification screenshot from

Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере образования и науки (Рособрнадзор)
Click on Сервис поиска сведений о документах об образовании.


Аттестат о среднем образовании [Attestat o srednem obrazovanii] (Certificate of Secondary Education)

Aттестат о среднем (полном) общем образовании [Attestat o srednem (polnom) obshchem obrazovanii] (Certificate of Complete Secondary General Education)

Aттестат о среднем общем образовании [Attestat o srednem obshchem obrazovanii] (Certificate of Secondary General Education)

Диплом о начальном профессиональном образовании [Diplom o nachalnom professionalnom obrazovanii] (Diploma of Basic Vocational Education)

Диплом о начальном профессиональном образовании c получением среднего (полного) общего образования [Diplom o nachalnom professionalnom obrazovanii s polucheniem srednego (polnogo) obshchego obrazovaniya] (Diploma of Basic Vocational Education and Complete Secondary General Education)



Transcript or Grade Report/Diploma Supplement

Диплом о среднем профессиональном образовании [Diplom o srednem professionalnom obrazovanii] (Diploma of Occupational Higher Education)

Диплом о неполном высшем образовании [Diploma o nepolnom vysshem obrazovanii] (Diploma of Intermediate Higher Education)

Диплом бакалавра [Diplom bakalavra] (Bachelor Diploma)

Диплом специалиста [Diplom specialista] (Diploma of Specialist)

Диплом магистра [Diplom magistra] (Master’s Diploma)

Диплом ветеринарного врача [Diplom veterinarnogo vracha] (Diploma of Veterinary Doctor)

Диплом врача [Diplom vracha] (Diploma of Medical Doctor)

Kандидат наук [Kandidat nauk] (Candidate of Sciences)

Доктор наук [Doktor nauk] (Doctor of Sciences)





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Baccalaureat Professionnel

Baccalaureat Technologique

Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement de Second Degré/Baccalauréat Général

Certificat de Fin de Tronc Commun  (Certificate of Complete Common Track)

Brevet de Technicien



Transcript or Grade Report/Releve du Notes

Brevet/Diplôme de Technicien Supérieur

Diploma / Higher National Diploma / Advanced Diploma

Licence (Bachelor)

Maîtrise (Master)

Diplôme de Spécialisation (Diploma of Specialization)



San Marino

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Pagella Scolastica (Scholastic Record)

Diploma di Maturità (Maturity Diploma)

Diploma de Superamento dell’Esame di Stato (Diploma Certifying the Results of the State Exam)



Transcript or Grade Report

Laurea di 1˚ Nivello (First Level Laureate)


Master di Decondo Livello in Medicina e Chirurgia Estetica (Second Level Master in Medicine and Plastic Surgery)

Dottorato di Ricerca (Doctor of Research)



Sao Tome and Principe

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Certidão de 12ͣ Classe (Certificate of 12th Grade)



Historico Escolar, Transcript or Grade Report

Grau de Bacharelato (Bachelor Degree)

Licenciatura (Licentiate Degree)



Saudi Arabia

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Transcript confirming completion of passing

اﻟﺸﮭﺎدة اﻟﺜﺎﻧﻮﯾﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ/ ﺷﮭﺎدة اﻟﻤﺮﺣﺎة اﻟﺸﺎﻧﻮﯾﺔ  (General Education Secondary  Certificate)

اﻟﺘﺠﺎرﯾﺔ اﻟﻤﺪرﺳﺔ دﺑﻠﻮم (Commercial Secondary School Diploma)

اﻟﺰراﻋﯿﺔ اﻟﻤﺪرﺳﺔ دﺑﻠﻮم (Agricultural Secondary School Diploma)

اﻟﻤﮭﻨﯿﺔ اﻟﺜﺎﻧﻮﯾﺔ اﻟﻤﺪارس دﺑﻠﻮم (Vocational Secondary School Diploma)

اﻟﻤﻄﻮرة/اﻟﺸﺎﻣﻠﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ اﻟﺜﺎﻧﻮﯾﺔ اﻟﺸﮭﺎدة (Comprehensive Secondary Certificate)

(اﻟﺪﯾﻨﯿﺔ) اﻟﺸﺮﻋﯿﺔ اﻟﺸﺎﻧﻮﯾﺔ اﻟﺸﮭﺎدة (Religious Secondary Education Certificate)

اﻟﻘﺮآن ﺗﺤﻔﯿﻆ ﻟﻤﺪارس اﻟﺜﺎﻧﻮﯾﺔ اﻟﺜﮭﺎدة (Quranic Secondary School Certificate)

اﻟﻔﻨﯿﺔ اﻟﺘﺮﺑﯿﺔ ﻓﻲ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ اﻟﺜﺎﻧﻮﯾﺔ اﻟﺸﮭﺎدة (General Secondary Certificate of Art Education)

اﻟﺮﯾﺎﺿﯿﺔ ﻟﻠﺘﺮﺑﯿﺔ اﻟﺜﺎﻧﻮﯾﺔ اﻟﺸﮭﺎدة (Secondary Physical Education Certificate)

اﻟﻤﻌﻠﻤﯿﻦ ﺗﺪرﯾﺐ ﻟﻤﻌﺎھﺪ اﻟﺜﺎﻧﻮﯾﺔ اﻟﺪراﺳﺔ ﺷﮭﺎدة (Secondary Teacher Training Institute Certificate)

اﻟﺼﺤﻲ اﻟﻤﻌﮭﺪ دﺑﻠﻮم (Health Institute Diploma)



Transcript, Grade Report, or Academic Record

دﺑﻠﻮم (Diploma)

ﺷﮭﺎدة (Certificate )

اﻟﻤﺘﻮﺳﻄﺔ اﻟﺠﺎﻣﻌﯿﺔ اﻟﺸﮭﺎدة (Intermediate University Certificate)

اﻟﺒﻜﺎﻟﻮرﯾﻮس (Bachelor Degree)

اﻟﺨﺎص اﻟﺪﺑﻠﻮم (Special Diploma)

اﻟﺪﺑﻠﻮﻣﺎﺳﯿﺔ اﻟﺪراﺳﺎت دﺑﻠﻮم (Diplomacy Studies Diploma);

ﻣﺎﺟﺴﺘﯿﺮ (Master)

دﻛﺘﻮراه (Doctorate)





Summary of Attainment

Scottish Certificate of Education

Certificate of Sixth Year Studies – CSYS

Scottish Qualifications Certificate Advanced Higher Grade

Scottish Qualifications Certificate Higher Grade



Transcript or Diploma Supplement

Higher National Certificate / Diploma

Bachelor Degrees

Postgraduate Certificates / Diplomas

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX), Digitary,  My eQualsETX-NG  or World Document Services



Releve de notes (Examination Results)

Certificat Élémentaire d’Aptitude Pédagogique– CEAP (Certificate of Elementary Teaching l Aptitude)

Brevet de Technicien/Brevet d’Agent Technique (Technician Certificate)

Diplôme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degré/Baccalauréat (Diploma of Bachelor of Secondary Education/Baccalaureate)

Baccalauréat Technique/Diplôme de Bachelier Technicien (Technical Baccalaureate/ Diploma of Bachelor Technician)



Releve de notes (Grade Report)

Attestation confirming qualification awarded

Certificat d’Aptitude (Certificate of Aptitude)

Diplôme Universitaire (University Diploma)

Diplôme d’Études (Diploma of Studies)

Brevet/Diplôme de Technicien Supérieur – BTS / DTS (Certificate/Diploma of Higher Technician)

Diplome Supérieure de Technologie – DST (Higher Technology Diploma)

Licence (Licentiate)

Licence Professionnelle (Professional Licentiate)

Maîtrise (Maitrise)


Master Professionnel (Professional Master)

Diplôme de (Diploma of)

Certificat d’Aptitude (Certificate of Aptitude)

Certificat d’Études Supérieures – CESup (Certificate of Higher Studies)

Diplôme d’État (State Diploma)

Diplôme d’Études Approfondies – DEA (Diploma of Advanced Studies)

Diplôme d’Études Supérieures Spécialisées – DESS (Diploma of Higher Specialized Studies)

Certificat d’Études Spéciales – CES (Certificate of Special Studies)

Doctorat de Troisième Cycle (Third Cycle Doctorate)

Doctorat d’État (State Doctorate)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Свеочанство (Certificate)

Свеочанство о Завршеном Средњен Васпитању / Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi (Certificate of Completion of Secondary School)



Уверење (Grade Report), индекс (Study Book), or Diploma Supplement

Диполома Вишег Образовања / Diploma Višeg Obrazovanja (Diploma of Higher Education)

Диполома Високог Образовања и Стрчни Назив (Diploma of Higher Education and Professional Title)

Доктор Стоматологије / Доктор Ветерине (Doctor of Dentistry / Doctor of Veterinary Medicine)

Диполома и Стрчни Назив Специјалист (Diploma and Professional Title of Specialist)

Доктор Медицине (Doctor of Medicine)

Диполома (Diploma)

Степен Магистар (Degree Master)

Доктор Наука / Doktor nauka (Doctor of Science)





Cambridge General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE “O” Level)

Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)

General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE “A” Level)



Transcript or Grade Report


Diploma 1 or 2





Sierra Leone


West African School Certificate (WAEC) AND Scratch Card (FOR EACH EXAMINATION, UNUSED)

National Examinations Council (NECO) AND Result Card (FOR EACH EXAMINATION, UNUSED)



Transcript or Grade Report


Diploma/Ordinary Diploma/Ordinary National Diploma

Higher Diploma/Higher National Diploma

Teacher Certificate / Higher Teacher Certificate

Bachelor Degree

Postgraduate Diploma

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy





Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (O/N/A Levels)

International Baccalaureate – IB

High School Diploma



Transcript or Grade Report

Diploma / Advanced Diploma

Bachelor Degree

Postgraduate / Graduate Diploma





Slovak Republic

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Grade Report

Učňovský List (Certificate of Apprenticeship)

Vysvedčenie o Maturitnej Skúške (Certificate of Maturity Examination)



Potvrdenie o vykonanych skuskach (Certificate of Passed Examinations) or Diploma Supplement

Bakalár (Bachelor Degree)

Magister (Master Degree)

Inžinier (Engineer)

Doktor (Doctor)

Philosophiae Doctor/ Dockor filozofie (Doctor of Philosophy)

Doktor Artis (Doctor of Arts)

Doktor Vied (Doctor of Sciences)





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Spričevalo o Zaključnem Ispitu (Certificate of Final Examinations)

Spričevalo o Poklicna Matura (Professional Maturity Certificate)

Maturitetno Spričevalo (Certificate of Maturity)



Potrdilo o opravljenih izpitih (Certificate of Passed Examinations), Grade Report, or Diploma Supplement

Diploma Višje Strokovne Šole (Diploma of Higher Vocational Studies)

Diplomirani (Graduate)

Visokosolska Diploma (Diploma of Higher Education)

Univerzitetni Diplomirani (University Graduate)

Specijalist (Specialist)

Magister Znanosti (Master Degree)

Doktorat Znanosti (Doctorate of Science)

Diploma (Diploma)

Bachelor Degree

Master Degree

Doktor Znanosti (Doctor of Science)



Solomon Islands

See South Pacific




GCE, Inc does not evaluate any educational documents from Somalia



South Africa


Senior Certificate

National Senior Certificate – NSC



Transcript, Grade Report

National / Advanced / Higher Certificate

Diploma / National / Advanced / Higher Diploma

Bachelor Degree

Bachelor of Technology

Postgraduate Diploma

Magister (Master)

Master Degree

Doctor of Technology

Doctor of Philosophy



South Pacific


Solomon Islands School Certificate

Vanuatu Senior Secondary Certificate

Solomon Islands Senior Secondary Certificate (Form VI)

Tonga School Certificate

Kiribati National Certificate

Diploma from Marshall Islands

Pacific Senior Secondary Certificate – PSSC

South Pacific Form Seven Certificate – SPFSC



Transcript or Grade Report


Diploma / Advanced Diploma

Bachelor Degree

Postgraduate Certificate

Graduate Diploma / Certificate

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy



South Sudan


Secondary School Certificate



Transcript, Grade Report


Bachelor Degree

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX)



Grade Reports

Graduado en Educación Secundaria (Secondary Education Graduate)

Bachiller Unificado y Polivalente (Unified and Multipurpose Bachelor)

Título de Técnico (Title of Technician)

Curso de Orientación Universitaria (University Orientation Program)

Título de Bachiller (Title of Baccalaureate)

Título de Técnico Especialista (Title of Specialized Technician)



Certificatión Académica Personal (Transcript), Diploma Supplement

Título de Técnico Superior (Title of Higher Technician)

Diplomado (University Diploma)

Maestro (Teacher)

Técnico (Technical)

Licenciado (Licentiate)

Arquitecto (Architect)

Ingeniero (Engineer)

Certificado de Aptitud Pedagógica (Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude)

Experto (Expert)

Especialista (Specialist)

Master (Master’s Degree)

Doctor (Doctor)

Graduado en (Graduate in)

Master Universitario (University Master)

Doctor (Doctor)



Sri Lanka

GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX)



Senior Secondary School GCE Certificate

Collegiate GCE ‘A’ Level

Diploma from Technical Colleges

Teacher Certification Diploma



Transcript, Grade Report

Bachelor Degree

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy



St. Helena

See United Kingdom



St. Kitts and Nevis


Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate – CSEC

General Certificate of Education – GCE

General Certificate of Education, Advanced Level

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations – CAPE



The Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and other Health Professions (CAAM-HP) is the accrediting authority for medicine in CARICOM member states. A Course-By-Course Evaluation Report can be prepared only if you attended a private institution that was “accredited” or “accredited with conditions” at the time of your enrollment. Note that “provisional accreditation” is not sufficient.
Check the status of your institution on CAAM-HP website.



Transcript or Grade Report

Associate Degree

University of the West Indies (UWI) Level 1 Programme

Bachelor Degree



St. Lucia


Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate – CSEC

General Certificate of Education – GCE

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination – CAPE



The Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and other Health Professions (CAAM-HP) is the accrediting authority for medicine in CARICOM member states. A Course-By-Course Evaluation Report can be prepared only if you attended a private institution that was “accredited” or “accredited with conditions” at the time of your enrollment. Note that “provisional accreditation” is not sufficient.

Check the status of your institution on CAAM-HP website.



Transcript, Grade Report



Associate Degree

Bachelor Degree

Post Graduate Diploma



St. Vincent and the Grenedines


Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate

General Certificate of Education – GCE

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination – CAPE



The Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and other Health Professions (CAAM-HP) is the accrediting authority for medicine in CARICOM member states. A Course-By-Course Evaluation Report can be prepared only if you attended a private institution that was “accredited” or “accredited with conditions” at the time of your enrollment. Note that “provisional accreditation” is not sufficient.

Check the status of your institution on CAAM-HP website.



Transcript, Grade Report

Certificate / Technician Certificate

Associate Degree

Bachelor Degree




REQUIRED originals from institution sent directly to GCE

Native language document with English translations. Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



 Sudan School Certificate / Sudan Secondary School Certificate



Transcript, Grade Report

Teaching Diploma/Diploma of Education

Intermediate Diploma; Advanced Diploma; Technician Diploma

ﻋﺎﻡ ﺑﻛﺎﻟﻭﺭﻳﻭﺱ (Bachelor Degree)

ﺍﻟﻌﻠﻳﺎ ﺍﻟﺩﺭﺍﺳﺎﺕ ﺩﺑﻠﻭﻡ (Postgraduate Diploma)

ﺍﻟﻣﺎﺟﺳﺗﻳﺭ (Master Degree)

ﺍﻟﺩﻛﺗﻭﺭﺍﻩ (Doctoral degree)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs/HAVO (General Upper Secondary School Certificate)

Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs/VWO (University Preparatory Certificate)



The Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and other Health Professions (CAAM-HP) is the accrediting authority for medicine in CARICOM member states. A Course-By-Course Evaluation Report can be prepared only if you attended a private institution that was “accredited” or “accredited with conditions” at the time of your enrollment. Note that “provisional accreditation” is not sufficient.

Check the status of your institution on CAAM-HP website.





Candidaats (Candidate)

Candidaatsexamen (Candidate’s Examination)

Doctoraal (Doctorate)







General Certificate of Education – GCE

General Certificate of Secondary Education

International Baccalaureate



Transcript, Grade Report

Diploma / Certificate


Bachelor Degree

Master Degree





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.

GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX)


Avgångsbetyg/Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskola (Leaving Certificate from Upper Secondary School)

Examensbevis Högskoleförberedande Examen (Higher Education Preparatory Diploma)



Studieintyg (Study Record), Diploma Supplement

Yrestekniskexamen (University Diploma in Applied Technology)

Högskoleexamen i (University Diploma in)

Högskoleingenjösexamen i  (University Diploma in Engineering)

Konstnärlig Högskoleexamen i (University Diploma)

Kandidatexamen / Filosofie Kandidatexamen I / EkonomieKandidatexamen / Tecknologie Kandidatexaman (Bachelor of)

Civilekonomexamen/Ekonomexamen (Bachelor of Science in Business Administration)

Receptarieexamen/Sjukgymnexamen/Sjuksköterskeexamen/Tandteknikerexamen (Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy/Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy/Bachelor Science in Nursing/Bachelor in Dental Techniques)

Teologie kandidatexamen (Bachelor of Theology)

Juris kandidatexamen (Bachelor of Law)

Arkitektexaman (University Diploma in Architecture)

Magisterexamen med ämnesbredd (Master Degree)

Magisterexamen med ämnesdjup (Master Degree)

Apotekarexamen (University Diploma in Pharmacy)

Tandläkarexamen (University Diploma in Dentistry)

Licentiatexam (Licentiate)

Veterinärexaman (University Diploma in Veterinary Science)

Läkarexamen (University Diploma in Medicine)

Doktorsexaman (Doctorate)




Native language document with English translations. Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.

GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX)


Eidgenössisches Berufsmaturitätszeugnis/Certificat Fédéral de Maturité Professionnelle/ Attestato Federale di Maturità Professionale/Professional Maturity Certificate

Maturitätszeugnis/Certificat de Maturité/Attestato di Maturità/Maturity Certificate

Fachmaturität/Maturité Specialisée/Attestato di Maturità Specializzata/Specialized Maturity Certificate

Passarellenprüfung Berufsmaturität/Ergänzungsprüfung/Passerelle Maturité Professionnelle/Examen Complémentaire/Passerella Maturità Professionale/Esami Complementari/University Aptitude Test Certificate



Transcript, Grade Report, or Diploma Supplement

Eidgenössischer Fachausweis/Brevet Fédéral/Attestato Professionale Federale/Federal Professional Education and Training (PET) Diploma

Diplom/Diplôme/Diploma/Advanced Federal Professional Education and Training (PET) Diploma

Diplom HF/Diplôme ES/Diploma SSS/Diploma from a College of Professional Education and Training (PET)

Restaurateur-Hotelier HF/Hôtelier-Restaurateur ES/Ristoratore-Albergatore SSS/ Restaurateur-Hotelier

Bachelor Degree



Certificate / Diploma of Advanced Studies

Master Degree

Teaching Diploma

Doctor of Medicine




Syrian Arab Republic

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Al-Shahâda Al Thânawiyya-Al’Amma (General Secondary Education Certificate / Certificate of General Secondary Education)


Shahâda Al Thânawiyya Al-Fanniyya (Technical Secondary Certificate / Certificate of Technical Secondary Education)

Al-Shahâda al-Thânawiyya al- Thânawiyya al sharciyya (Religious Secondary Certificate)



Transcript, Grade Report (Curriculum or Study Plan if course credits are not included on transcript)


Technical Diploma Certificate

Al-Ijâza or Licence (Bachelor Degree)

Diploma of Qualification and Specialization / Special Diploma

Qualifying  / Higher / Postgraduate Diploma

Al-Mâjistîr (Master Degree)





GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX)


Senior High School Diploma

Senior Vocational High School Diploma



Transcript or Grade Repot

Associate Degree

Bachelor Degree

Master Degree

Doctor Degree

Doctor of Philosophy




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Аттестат о среднем общем образовании (Certificate of Completed Secondary Education)

Diploma of Complete Vocational-Technical/Specialized Secondary Education



Transcript or Grade Report

Диплом бакалавра (Diploma of Bachelor)

Диплом специалиста (Diploma of Specialist)

Диплом магистра (Diploma of Master)

Дипломи номэади шлм (Diploma of Candidate of Science)

Дипломи доктори шлм (Diploma of Doctor of Science)




Tanzania, United Republic of


Certificate of Secondary Education

Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education



Transcript or Grade Report


Diploma / Advanced Diploma

Bachelor Degree

Master Degree

Doctor Degree

Postgraduate Diploma

Doctor of Philosophy




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX)


Maw 6 (Certificate of Secondary Education)

Paw Waw Chaw (Certificate in Vocational Education)



Transcript or Grade Report

Higher Certificate of Education

Por Wor Tor (Diploma in Technical Education)

Associate Degree

Por Wor Sor (Diploma in Vocational Education)

Advanced Diploma / Certificate

Paw Thaw Saw (Higher Diploma in Technical Education)

Bachelor Degree

Master Degree

Graduate / High Graduate Diploma

Doctor Degree

Doctor of Philosophy





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Diploma do Ensino Secundário (Higher Secondary Diploma)



Transcript or Grade Report

Diploma de Bacharel (Bachelor Degree)

Diploma de Professor do Ensino Secundário (Secondary Teaching Diploma)

Licenciatura (License)

Mestrado (Master Degree)

Doutoramento (Doctoral Degree)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX), Digitary,  My eQualsETX-NG  or World Document Services



Certificat d’Aptitude Professionnelle (Certificate of Professional Aptitude)

Certificat de Fin d’Etudes Secondaires (Certificate of Completion of Secondary Studies)

Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate)

Diplome de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Troisième Degré (Senior Secondary School Baccalaureate)

Baccalauréat Technicien (Technical Baccalaureate)

Diplôme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement Technique (Technical Secondary School Baccalaureate)

Certificat d’Aptitude Pédagogique (Certificate of Pedagogic Aptitude)

Capacité en Droit (exam to determine eligibility into a Faculty of Law)



Transcript or Grade Report/Releve du Notes

Certificat de (Certificate of)

Dîplome de Technicien Supérieur – DTS (Diploma of Higher Technical Studies)

Brevet de Technicien Supérieur – BTS (Certificate of Higher Technician)

Diplôme d’Études Universitaires Générales (Diploma of General University Studies)

Diplôme Universitaires d’Études (University Diploma of Studies)

Diplôme Universitaires de (University Diploma of)

Licence (License/Licentiate)

Certificat d’Aptitude au Professorat d l’Enseignment du Second Degré/Secondaire (Certificate of Aptitude in the Profession of Secondary Instruction)

Ingénieur de Réaslisation (Practical Engineer)

Maitrise (Master)

Diplôme d’Ingenieur (Diploma of Engineer)

Diplôme d’Études Supérieures (Diploma of Higher Studies)

Docteur en (Doctor of)

Doctorat de Spécialité de Troisiéme Cycle (Specialized Third Cycle Doctorate)

Doctorat Unique (Unique Doctorat)

Doctorat d’Ingénieur (Doctorate of Engineer)




See New Zealand





Higher School Certificate/Form 7

Pacific Senior Secondary Examination/Form 6



Transcript or Grade Report

Certificates/Diplomas/Teaching Diploma

Bachelor’s Degree



Trinidad & Tobago

GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX)


National Certificate of Secondary Education (NCSE) Level 2

Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC)

General Certificate of Education (GCE)

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE)



The Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and other Health Professions (CAAM-HP) is the accrediting authority for medicine in CARICOM member states. A Course-By-Course Evaluation Report can be prepared only if you attended a private institution that was “accredited” or “accredited with conditions” at the time of your enrollment. Note that “provisional accreditation” is not sufficient.

Check the status of your institution on CAAM-HP website.




Diploma / Technician Diploma

Associate Degree


Bachelor Degree

Doctor Degree

Postgraduate Diploma

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Certificat d’Aptitude Professionnelle –CAP (Certificate of Professional Competence)

Brevet de Technicien Professionnel – BTP (Certificate of Professional Technician)

Diplôme de Technicien (Diploma of Technician)

Diplôme de Fin d’Etudes Techniques Agricoles (Diploma of Completion of Technical Agricultural Studies)

Diplôme du Baccalauréat / Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire (Baccalaureate of Secondary Education)

Baccalauréat Professionnel (Technical Baccalaureate)

Diplôme de fin d’études normales (Diploma of Completion of Normal Studies)

Certificat de Capacité en (Certificate of Capacity in)

Certificat d’Aptitude au (Certificate of Aptitude in)



Transcript or Grade Report/Releve du Notes

Diplôme National (National Diploma)

Diplôme d’Educateur (Diploma of Educator)

Diplôme instituteur or institutrice (Diploma of Instructor)

Maître d’Éducation (Teacher of Education)

Diplôme d’Etudes Universitaires (Diploma of University Studies)

Diplôme Universitaires d’Études (University Diploma of Studies)

Brevet de Technicien Supérieur – BTS (Certificate of Higher Technician)

Diplôme de Technicien Supérieur DTS (Diploma of Higher Technician)

Diplôme Universitaires de Technologie – DUT (University Diploma of Technology)

Licence (Licentiate)

Maîtrise (Master)

Mastère Spécialisé (Specialist Master)

Diplôme d’Ingénieur (Diploma of Engineer)

Certificat d’Aptitude au Professorat de l’Enseignement Secondaire – CAPES (Certificate of Aptitude to Teach at the Secondary Level)

Certificat d’Études Supérieures – CES (Certificate of Higher Studies)

Certificat d’Études Supérieures Specialisées – CESS (Certificate of Higher Specialized Studies)

Diplôme d’Études Approfondies – DEA (Diploma of Advanced Studies)

Diplôme d’Études Supérieures Specialisées – DESS (Diploma of Higher Specialized Studies)

Diplôme de Pharmacie Spécialiste (Diploma of Pharmacy Specialist)

Diplôme de Recherches Approfondies (Diploma of Advanced Research)

Docteur en Médecine (Doctor in Medicine)

Doctorat (Doctorate)/ Doctorat d’État (State Doctorate)/ Doctorat de Specialité (Specialised Doctorate)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Lise Diplomasi (Secondary School Diploma)

Meslek Lise Diplomasi (Vocational Secondary School Diploma)

Teknik Lise (Technical High School Diploma)



Transcript or Grade Report/Diploma Supplement

Meslek Yüksek Okulu Diploması (Vocational Higher School Diploma)

Ön Lisans Derecesi / Diplomasi (Pre-Licentiate Degree / Pre-Bachelor Degree)

Lisans Derecesi / Diplomasi (Licentiate Diploma / Bachelor Degree)

Mühendislik Diplomasi (Engineering Diploma)

Yüksek Lisans Diploması (Higher Licentiate Diploma / Master’s Degree)

Bilim Uzmanliği Diplomasi (Science Specialist Diploma)

Ihtisas Sertifikasi / Uzmanlık Belgesi (Specialist Certificate / Certificate of Expertise)

Güzel Sanatlar Ustalık Belgesi (Fine Arts Mastery Certificate)

Doktora Diplomasi (Doctoral Diploma)

Uzmanlik Belgesi (Specialist Certificate)





Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.



Diploma of Specialized Secondary Education



Transcript or Grade Report

Bakalavr/Bachelor Degree

Specialist Degree or Diplom

Diploma of Higher Education

Kandidat Nauk Diploma

Doktor Nauk Diploma



Turks and Caicos Islands

GCE does NOT evaluate documents from Charisma University.  ALL applications will be cancelled.


Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate – CSEC

International General Certificate of Secondary Education – IGCSE

General Certificate of Education – GCE

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations – CAPE



Transcript or Grade Report


Associate Degree





See United Kingdom





Uganda Certificate of Education / Advanced Certificate – UCE / UACE

Uganda Technical Institute Certificate / Certificate II / National Certificate – UVQ 2

Uganda Craft/Certificate III – UVQ 3



Academic Records or Transcripts

National / Ordinary Diploma


Higher Diploma / Higher National Diploma

Bachelor Degree

Postgraduate Diploma

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Додаток до aтестата (Attachment to the Certificate); Додаток до дипломa (Supplement to the Diploma) 

Атестат про повну загальну середню освіту (Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education)

Диплом (Professional school diploma)



Додаток до дипломa (Supplement to the Diploma), Академічна довідка (Academic Record) or Архівна довідка (Archival Record), or Diploma Supplement

Диплом кваліфікованого робітника (Diploma of Qualified Worker)

Диплом молодшого спеціаліста (Diploma of Junior Specialist)

Диплом бакалавра (Diploma of Bachelor)

Диплом магістра (Diploma of Master)

Диплом доктора філософії (Diploma of Doctor of Philosophy)



United Arab Emirates


Transcript or Grade Reports

Technical Secondary School Certificate

Shehaadat al-thaanawiya al-‘aama (General Secondary Education Certificate)




Transcript or Grade Report

Diploma / Higher Diploma

Associate Degree

Bachelor Degree

Professional Diploma / Graduate Diploma / Graduate Certificate

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy




United Kingdom

GCE prefers official documents be submitted through Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX)

Secondary: (official examination results)

General Certificate of Secondary Education – GCSE

Applied General Certificate of Secondary Education – GCSE

General Certificate of Education – GCE

Business and Technician Education Council – BTEC

General National Vocational Qualification – GNVQ

Advanced Vocational Certificate of Education – AVCE



Transcript, Diploma Supplement

Certificate of Higher Education

Business and Technician Education Council Certificate / Diploma – BTEC Certificate / Diploma

Foundation Degree

Diploma of Higher Education – DipHE

Bachelor Degree

Postgraduate Certificate in Education – PGCE

Postgraduate Diploma

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Certificado de Estudios/Notas/Calificaciones

Título de Bachiller or Bachillerato (Title of Baccalaureate)

Título de Bachiller Técnico or Bachillerato Técnico (Title of Technical Baccalaureate)



Certificado de Estudios/Notas/Calificaciones

Certificado (Certificate)

Título de Técnico (Title of Technician)

Título de Licenciado / Licenciatura (Title of Licentiate / Licentiate)

Título Profesional (Professional Title)

Título de Maestro(a) en Educación Primaria (Title of Primary Education Teacher)

Título de Profesor(a) (Title of Secondary Education Teacher)

Diplomas de Postgrados, y Especializaciones (Postgraduate and Specialization Diplomas)

Maestrías / Magister (Master Degree)

Doctorado (Doctorate)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


ўзлаштириш бўйича якуний бахолар табели (Table of Grades for Certificate) or Diplomiga ilova (Supplement to the Diploma)

O’rta Maxsus Ta’lim To’g’risidagi Shahodatnoma (Certificate of Completed Upper Secondary Education)

O’rta Maxsus Ta’lim Diplomi (Diploma of Postsecondary Vocational Education)



Академик маълумотнома (Academic Record), Diplomiga ilova (Supplement to the Diploma)

Bakalavr Diplomi (Bachelor Diploma)

Magistr Diplomi (Master Diploma)

Fanlar Doktori (Doctorate Diploma)



Vatican City State

Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Transcript or Grade Report/Diploma Supplement

Baccalaureato (Bachelor Degree)

Magistero (Teacher)

Licenza (Licentiate)

Doctoratus (Doctorate)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Transcript or Grade Report/Diploma Supplement

Baccalaureato (Bachelor Degree)

Magistero (Teacher)

Licenza (Licentiate)

Doctoratus (Doctorate)




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


Bằng Tốt nghiệp Trường Phổ Thông (Graduation Diploma for General School)

Bằng Tốt nghiệp Phổ thông Trung Học (Graduation Diploma for General Upper Secondary Education)

Bắng Tú tài, Phổ thông Trung Học (Diploma for High School, General Upper Secondary Education)

Bằng Trung học Phổ Thông (Diploma for General Upper Secondary Education)

Bằng Tốt nghiệp Trung học Phổ Thông (Graduation Diploma for General Upper Secondary Education)

Bằng Tốt nghiệp Trung học Chuyên nghiệp (Graduation Diploma of Vocational Education)

Bằng Tốt Nghiệp Trung Cấp Chuyên Nghiệp (Intermediate Professional Education Diploma)

Bằng Tốt Nghiệp Trung Cấp Nghề (Graduation Diploma of Vocational Education)



Transcript or Grade Report

Bằng Tốt Nghiệp Trung Học Chuyên Nghiệp (Graduation Diploma of Vocational Education)

Bằng Tốt Nghiệp Trung Cấp Chuyên Nghiệp (Intermediate Professional Education Diploma)

Bẳng Tốt nghiệp Cao Đẳng¹ (Graduation Diploma from College)

Bẳng Cao Đẳng (Diploma of Associate Bachelor)

Bẳng Tốt Nghiệp Cao Đẳng¹ (Graduation Diploma from College)

Bằng Tốt Nghiệp Cao Đẳng Nghề.(Graduation Diploma from Vocational College)

Bẳng Tốt Nghiệp Cao Đẳng Sư Phạm¹ (Graduation Diploma from Teacher Training College)

Chứng Chỉ Đại Học Ngoại Cương (Certificate of Completion of University General Studies)

Bằng Cử Nhân (Bachelor Degree)

Bằng Kỹ Sư (Degree of Engineer)

Bác sĩ Thú Y (Veterinarian)

Bằng Dược Sĩ (Degree of Pharmacist)

Bằng Kiến Trúc Sư (Degree of Architect)

Bằng Bác sĩ Răng Hàm Mặt (Degree of Dentist)

Bác sĩ Y Khoa (Medical Doctor)

Bằng Thạc Sĩ (Master Degree)

Bằng Tiến sĩ (Doctor of Philosophy)




See United Kingdom



Wallis and Futuna Islands

See France




ORIGINALS REQUIRED from institution, sent DIRECTLY to GCE


Vocational Training Diploma

Vocational Secondary School Certificate

Secondary School Final Examination Result

General Secondary Graduation Transcript



Transcript or Grade Report

Technical Diploma / Certificate of Technician

Teacher Certificate

Diploma / Intermediate Diploma

Higher Technical Diploma

Bachelor Degree

Higher Diploma / Specialist Diploma / Graduate Diploma / Preparatory Diploma

Master Degree





See: Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992 forward)

Croatia (1991 forward)

Kosovo (1999 forward)

Macedonia (1991 forward)

Montenegro (2006 forward)

Serbia (2006 forward)

Slovenia (1991 forward)




See Congo





General Certificate of Education

School Certificate



Transcript or Grade Report

Certificate / Diploma

Advanced Certificate / Diploma

Higher / Postgraduate Diploma

Bachelor Degree

Master Degree




Native language document with English translations.  Translations must be issued by the university or performed by the Ministry of Education or an ATA certified translator.


General Certificate of Education – GCE

Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education

International General Certificate of Secondary Education



Transcript or Grade Report

National Certificate / Diploma

Higher National Certificate / Diploma

Graduate Certificate

Bachelor Degree

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy



Evaluation Checklist:

  • Verify the admitting institution or entity accepts GCE reports
  • Confirm with admitting institution or entity the type of report and required documents
  • Include required documents (varies by country)
  • Clear and legible documents in native language
  • Official, literal word-for-word translation for all foreign language documents
  • GCE evaluation application completed in full and signed
  • Payment by credit card or debit card
  • Degree equivalency cannot be determined without proof of degree. Evaluation of documents that were not submitted prior to completion of the original evaluation will require that you reapply to GCE and pay the full evaluation fee.
person's hands typing on a laptop

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Evaluation applications can be submitted online or by mail. All fronts and backs of pages need to be included. Documents can be uploaded or emailed (PDF format) or mailed in. For security purposes, GCE does not accept applications via email.





Here's a sample of the evaluation report